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Zayn slouched back against the wall, watching all the festive (and slightly drunk) partygoers crammed into Louis and Harry’s flat. Louis was in the middle of it all, dancing insanely and having a grand time. Liam was dancing with his girlfriend, and Niall was hovering near the food table with a Santa hat perched on his head. He scanned for the fourth boy, finally spotting the head of curls leaning against the other wall. He lifted his head lazily, as if he could feel Zayn’s gaze on him, and gave him a slight nod of his head and a smirk. Harry had drank a ton earlier, and was now starting to sober up, but was still a long way from being road-safe. Zayn kept staring absently as the curly haired boy fumbled with something in his pocket – Zayn couldn’t make out what it was – and then lifted it to his lips. Oh. It was a candy cane, and the way Harry was eating it… Zayn suddenly had a craving for mint. He knew where he’d like to get it from as well. He pushed off from the wall and made his way to the crowd.

Harry lifted his eyes to Zayn, watching him with a coy look as the striped candy slipped in and out of his mouth, his dark, full lips sucking on it and tongue peeking out to lick the end of it. Zayn bit his lip subconsciously as he grew closer to him. Zayn stopped cold as Harry pushed the candy cane deep, deep past his puckered lips, and he gave a little shudder and his pelvis rocked up. Fuck, Zayn groaned and continued making his way towards him. Harry didn’t break eye contact with the darker boy, and made no move to greet him as he invaded his personal space and pushed him back against the wall. Without warning, Zayn dipped his head and kissed Harry hard on the mouth, swiping his tongue against Harry’s lips until they allowed him entrance. His tongue darted into Harry’s mouth, instantly exploding with the minty flavor. Harry kissed him back just as forcefully, evidentially not startled at all by Zayn’s actions. He pulled back after a moment, breathing heavily.

“Come,” Zayn breathed, grabbing Harry by the wrist and dragging him out of the crowded living room, and into the empty hallway. Harry had returned the candy cane to his mouth and was sucking on it again, his lips curved in a smirk. Zayn fisted his hands in Harry’s shirt and crashed his mouth to his as he leaned back against the wall.

“You can’t just do things like that,” Zayn mumbled against Harry’s lips. He felt Harry laugh. He pulled back.

“Are you going to punish me?” Harry said with a wink and a wicked smile. Zayn groaned and fumbled for his belt.

“No,” he said, “I’m going to make you follow through, you little tease,” Zayn growled the last words, pushing Harry down to his knees. Harry looked up innocently, before nuzzling into Zayn’s now only boxer-covered erection. Zayn groaned helplessly above him. When Harry moved to suck on the candy cane again, Zayn’s hand darted out and slapped it out of his hand, and Harry’s eyes followed it until it cracked on the floor. Zayn curled his fingers into Harry’s hair to keep his head in place as he pulled down his boxers. Zayn tugged Harry’s face closer towards his cock, and Harry’s tongue flitted out and licked a long stripe down the underside of his thick cock, tracing the prominent vein. Zayn groaned again, and had to muffle a shriek as Harry sucked hard on the head. Harry’s mouth was hot and perfect, yet freezing from the cool mint. The combination left Zayn a mess, trying to prevent his knees from buckling as Harry alternated between long sucks and little licks, and even mouthing at his balls leaving them chilled and heavy. Harry looked up from under his lashes and Zayn couldn’t hold in any longer. His fingers tightened in Harry’s hair and he pushed his cock into Harry’s mouth. Harry let Zayn’s thick cock just slip past his lips, hit the back of his throat, and draw out again.

“Yeah, ungh, you like this better than your candy cane?” Zayn grunted as he fucked into Harry’s mouth over and over again. Harry tried to nod and say yes, but couldn’t around Zayn’s cock in his throat. The noises he tried to make just made his throat vibrate around Zayn. Zayn didn’t think he could ever stop, he felt so big and dominating like this, looking down at Harry with his lips strained around his own length. He was so obedient, just letting Zayn use him. Fuck. Harry let out these little moans around him, the vibrations going straight to his core where a huge wave was building, and he was so close to the edge. Harry looked back up at him, their gazes locked, and Zayn finally tipped over the edge, screaming Harry’s name and shooting his cum down his throat. He finally slumped back against the wall, and Harry slid up Zayn’s lean body and pressed a chaste kiss to Zayn’s lips. He could taste himself on Harry’s lips.

“You owe me another candy cane,” Harry said simply, before turning around and heading back to rejoin the party.

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