02 ⏤ ground rules.

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"IS that all your things?" Jungkook asks after helping her bring her bags and luggage of only three pieces on the second floor and inside her room.

Jennie nods, bowing to him. "Yes. Thanks for helping."

She looks around the white room. There's a bed, an empty cabinet, a desk, a good view of the subdivision from the window, and a personal bathroom. Jennie liked how Jungkook cleaned the entire room because of its homey feeling.

"I'll leave you to it. Just come down when you're done, and we can talk about the rules and the keys." Jungkook smiles small to Jennie before he closes the door.

Jennie looks at Jungkook's figure fade through the white door. She locks it before slumping on the bed, sighing and closing her eyes.

"Get it together, Jennie." She says to herself. She moves her arms and legs around the soft bed and covers.

At least she's sure that Jungkook is a neat person. The covers smell fragrant and clean as if it was like he used an ample amount of fabric conditioner on them. It makes her calm and... Nauseous so suddenly.

Jennie opens the bathroom door to let out the breakfast she just had with Rosie on the sink. She hated the feeling of being sick. She couldn't stop herself from vomiting all the meals she had. It hurts her throat, stomach, and eyes.

"Ugh..." Jennie groans after. She feels weak again.

She turns on the faucet to let the running water wash down the evidence of her upset stomach. She washed her mouth, gargled water, and spilling it after. Jennie slowly looks at her reflection on the mirror with her hands tightly on the sink.

She looks pale and a little thin. She rolls her eyes after looking at herself. Jennie walks back to sit on the bed. The fragrance didn't bother her anymore as it did earlier, though he'll talk to Jungkook about it later.

Instead of arranging her clothes and things, Jennie steps out of the room. She eyes the walls and the decorations around. Jungkook seems to have good taste in art. The hall is full of paintings too.

"Oh, you're done?" Jungkook says when he notices Jennie going down the stairs.

He's serving breakfast for him and to Jennie out of politeness. It's nothing grand. It's just eggs, rice, water, and coffee. Jungkook asks if Jennie would like to join him.

"No, thank you. I had breakfast with Rosé." She declines with a smile as she takes a seat on the table and the opposite side of Jungkook. Instead, she drinks the water to rinse the bad aftertaste in her mouth.

Jungkook smiles back, taking the piece of egg on his plate, and proceeds to eat and talk to her. He told Jennie that he would inform her about the simple rules while eating to not waste time.

"Here are the keys to your room, the house, and the gate." He places the keys on the table to where Jennie takes to check.

Jungkook keeps eating like a hungry man. He needs a full stomach before he leaves the house and Jennie too. He expects that Jennie won't do anything stupid that will harm them both.

"Of course, I won't. You trust me. I trust you. We trust each other." Jennie assures Jungkook that made the man relieved.

Jennie just watches Jungkook scrape the food clean off his plate. He does have manners, like wiping his mouth with a napkin after drinking and eating and putting the plate back on the kitchen sink.

"Shall we start the tour and rules?" He looks at Jennie, who blinks two times before standing up to follow him.

Jungkook explains that the refrigerator is open for them. They can buy any food they want and store it there. Just don't use all the food up. He goes on to the back of the house, where the laundry space is at. Jennie sees the grass patch and a bench and table there. The backyard is connected to the open garage area on the left of the building. He proceeds to tell her about what she can and can't do around.

It's nothing suffocating. Jungkook just wants everything to be in order. She just can't redecorate the paintings and go to his room without permission. It's a must for the two of them to not enter their private space without asking. They also can't bring someone home without telling each other.

"I got it. Thanks." Jennie says. His rules aren't that hard to follow. She likes how he set it for them and not only for her.

Jungkook smiles and takes the bag he left in the living room. He bids Jennie goodbye and to take care. Jennie asks where he's going all of a sudden.

"I have part-time work," Jungkook says. Jennie figures out why he's so eager to get money.

"Hm." Jennie hums, making Jungkook look at her. "I guess that's why you need money. Take care."

Jungkook nods, grinning at Jennie before leaving her alone. He puts his trust in Jennie and Jimin. He talked to Jimin and Rosé last night, telling them that if Jennie does something suspicious or dangerous to him, he won't hesitate to go defensive on her.

He hopes he doesn't make the wrong decision on letting a pale stranger in his beloved home. After all, he needed the money to finish his studies and get a better job for his future. That's what he promised her.

Jennie is left alone. She checks if the keys work for the gate, door, and bedroom. Luckily, Jungkook seems like a nice guy. Hopefully, he won't get in her way.

She starts cleaning her thing and outfits. Once she's done, she starts snooping around. It's better to be safe and protected. She walks around the house and to every corner. Jennie's sure that there aren't any traps or hidden cameras. Maybe this is where the change she's been wishing for starts.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. A notification pops up. She's got half an hour to prepare.

"Oh, shit." Jennie stands up from the bed to get her clothes and bag ready.

She takes a bath as fast as she can, clothes herself, and runs down to outside of the house. She didn't bother brushing her hair. She can't be late for her tutoring.

While at it, they do their jobs like before. They don't know each other or are willing to tell each other all about themselves. They'll eventually get there since they're housemates. Now fate is on its way to tangle their lives even more.

By noon and lunch break, Jungkook told his manager that he needed to go. His classes will start in half an hour. He takes a quick bath at the restaurant he's working at before leaving through the backdoor for employees.

He walks to the university to save transportation money. He values money more than anything else. He'll take any opportunity that's about making cash. Not long after, he's on campus grounds. He got a text from his classmate, Taehyung, about his whereabouts. The professor started class early and gave a surprise quiz.

Much to Jungkook's stress, he starts to run to the classroom that's two buildings away. On his way there, he bumps into a student.

"Ah, I'm sorry." The woman, according to her tone of voice, apologized. Her notebook and pen fall to the ground.

Jungkook crouches down to help get her things, though he didn't expect to see a very familiar face on the campus.

"Jennie?" He says with a frown. Jennie also seems surprised to see him.

"You study here?" She questions back. She creases her eyebrows together after taking her things back. "Since when are you a student here?"

It's confusing to think that they're schoolmates but never saw each other. Jungkook didn't even know Jennie exist not until yesterday.

It looks like things will be less awkward for us... Hopefully.

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