24 ⏤ la la lost you.

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DO you remember?

Jungkook is busy cleaning the house all day to make it look more presentable, habitual, and cuter. He hasn't been cleaning his home for quite some time now, a few days or so, resulting in a lot of work that he regrets doing alone.

"That's enough for today." Jungkook puts the box of trash on the floor as well as his apron. He uses the hem of his jacket to wipe the sweat on his forehead. "I need a break and a bath."

He walks down to the first floor, in the kitchen area. He grabs a soda to quench his thirst, then realizes there isn't any. Healthy options fill the refrigerator shelves because of Jennie. Suddenly, Jungkook recalls the first time he had heard about her as a potential housemate. A smile forms on his lips, reminiscing about the first days with Jennie. So much has happened since then. They grew together, became friends, turned into best friends, and now, as lovers. Though, how long would they be together after that stupid decision he calls lying?

He drinks from the bottle of water, feeling the somber, stillness of the house lonesome. Jennie did bring color to the home. Without her, there is nothing but gray. He sits on the couch, staring at the carpet as if the answer is underneath it.

"Will you still take me back?" Jungkook mumbles. It's been four days since Jennie chose to leave with his siblings for Jeju. He thought about how she was processing the situation, of how the love of her life lied to her straight in the face. She hates me. Now, his smile vanishes.

Guilt banes his mind and heart. If there was something else he could do, maybe travel back in time and confess beforehand, this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have lost you. Salty tears drop from his eyes to his shirt, wetting the surface like rain and thunder. In his spot, Jungkook cried once more. His tears seemed endless, a flood that only Jennie could stop. But where is Jennie? Is she still coming back? She left without contacting him once. God, it hurts so much. Maybe this is my karma.

Reclining his head on the backrest, Jungkook covers his eyes with his forearm, and the sweater sleeves soak the tears he can't stop. He hasn't cried like this all his life.

A ringing of the doorbell pulls him out of his misery. He should've continued cleaning after the break to get his mind off the sorrows and regret. "Just a minute!" He yells back, stepping out the door and rubbing his eyes to look decent enough for the guest.

He was not expecting the whole gang to be present and invite themselves in without a memo. Jungkook wants to be alone, though, through their giggly, persistent smiles, he lets them. Why would they come here if the glue of the group is not here?

"That's nonsense, Jungkook. We're your friends too." Lisa says, smiling softly, placing the bottles of champagne with Taehyung at the dining table.

Jimin and Rosé stack the grocery items on the kitchen counter. The blonde woman helped herself to boss around like a chef. They ask him to sit down and let them do the stuff.

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