23 ⏤ the truth untold.

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IS it really childish to hate the man who led you to the woman you love? Is it immature to forbid your own brother to stop seeing your girlfriend, the mother of his child? Is it justifiable to prevent them from meeting each other ever again? Yoongi is acting like an innocent dickhead like he doesn't know he's getting in the way of his relationship. He respects him a lot before ⏤ quote the adverb. Though Jungkook might throw away all the respect, admiration, and love he has for Yoongi because of Jennie.

He feels that everyone is ganging up on him. They accepted the truth that Yoongi was the father too quickly and diligently. Hasn't anyone going to check on him about the reality he's been given? Will no one ask why he's bitter and aggressive? It's making him feel useless and a substitute.

"Goddamn," Jungkook kicks the patch of grass in his backyard. He brushes his hair up, sighing heavily at his deranged thoughts. It's unfair if he implements those terms to both Jennie and Yoongi.

He feels inadequate in this situation. The only thing he's holding on to is Jennie's love for him. "If she will love me after this." He takes a round trip to the backyard, trying to sound reasonable. He can't find any. I'm so lost.

The wind brushes his skin like a splash of cold water. The sky is full of stars, and the moon is bright, which is the opposite of his circumstance. He can't feel at ease or happy. He's on the losing end. If the baby comes, how much more will he become irrelevant and feel irreplaceable? Certainly, Yoongi will give anything to Jennie and the baby's needs. Jungkook is not confident he can live up to anything of their expectations when Yoongi can make it better for them in one snap.

"I hate this so much." Jungkook cups his face in frustration and dilemma.

His jealous self can't take the pressure or the mere thought of having someone else make Jennie and their baby whole and happy. His baby. The notion makes him sick in the stomach. He's the one who looks out of place in Baby Jay's growing family. Closing his eyes, Jungkook counted to ten forward and backward. She chooses you. Jennie loves you. Does she? Really?

From outside the front, a car parks. He can't get any peace of mind with this kind of treatment. Jungkook already imagines Jennie getting out of Yoongi's car after work hours. Rosé's BMW doesn't sound like that. He wonders what else those two discuss when he drives her home. Does he ask her personal things? Do they compare interest in music? Do they laugh at each other's mistakes? Is this even jealousy or stupidity he feels? I'm neither of the two.

Jungkook stands up, slightly slapping his cheeks to remind himself to smile. Automatically, on cue, his bunny smile is present. He enters the house just as Jennie steps foot and closes the front door. The moment she sees him, her cheeks swell, and her gummy grin appears.

"Jungkook!" She said with enthusiasm, forgetting whatever she may do right now. What was important was to drop her bag on the couch and run to him.

She looks giddy tonight. Did Yoongi say or do something to make her lively all of a sudden? Shrugging the envious thought away, he wrapped his arms around her to complete the hug. Negativity should be avoided. They talked about this yesterday. Jealousy needn't be active in his mind.

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