07 ⏤ awake.

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DAYS pass like a blur to Jennie and Jungkook, the two housemates who are now on good terms. They're still being casual to each other, just smiling whenever they pass one another in the halls. The university is big, but now it's too crowded for Jennie to move around without seeing him. It was just nothing before she met Jungkook. Jennie's laidback, a bit aggressive and sassy, but loyal to her friends. Things changed since she got pregnant. It's not an issue for Jennie. She doesn't care who is the father of her child. She's too focused on one goal⏤to graduate and build the best future for her and her baby.

"How are you feeling now?" Rosie asks while they're having lunch together.

They notice how Jennie's getting more sick or fatigued. They know what she's going through, and it's not easy for the two of them to let it be.

"I'm doing good. Thanks." Jennie smiles, putting the lid back on the iced drink Lisa brought for her.

"You're making us worried more, Jen," Lisa spoke while stabbing the greens on the plate, which Jennie refused to eat. "Is your dad at your neck again? Jungkook's not harassing you or anything, right?"

It's lunchtime, just after a bloody subject. The three friends survived as midterms loom in. She needs a few more months, and Jennie doesn't have to hide anymore.

"No, Jungkook's not like that," Jennie defended her housemate first, ignoring to talk about her father. Truth be told, in those weeks she interacts with Jungkook, she's gotten comfortable with him. She can tolerate a man... For once.

"Jungkook's a nice guy, and no, Lisa, nothing is going on between us." She clears out beforehand to stop her friend from pairing her with him again. "He's not like other males, and we're just friends."

Lisa laughs, covering her mouth as she chews because Jennie knows her well. They weren't angry at her for lashing out about the phone call. They know Jennie's hiding something with Jungkook, but they trust her in choosing to keep it a secret.

Speaking of the man, Rosie sees the messy and fluffy-haired male walking in their direction.

"Why does he look like he's carrying the world?" Rosie creases her eyebrows while they watch Jungkook. He doesn't smile, continuously ignoring the stares from the other students. His eyes are light-colored, but they're always dark and piercing every day. Still, the three women are curious about him, especially Jennie,

"Jungkook changed after missing for one year," Taehyung spoke, springing out of nowhere, startling the three.

Lisa hits his boyfriend in the arm for appearing all of a sudden and eavesdropping on them. He sits next to Lisa after pulling a chair on the other empty table to join the girls.

"You're classmates with him, right?" Jennie question. Suddenly, they all look at Taehyung, who glances at them with a bit of hesitation. "Do you have any tea about him?"

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