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THIS is it. Jungkook has his fingers wrapped around his cap, ready to throw it in the air as soon as the dean of colleges finishes his speech. He's like Taehyung, who fidgets in his chair beside him. They made it. They finished together.

"Congratulations, graduates!"

The caps fly and bounce in the air. Whistles and shouts fill the stadium, and applause roars from the families and friends in the back row seats. The group completes the celebration. Jungkook and Taehyung walk to their friends and families that come to support them. Lisa immediately runs to Taehyung, giving him a quick peck on his lips. Her bright smile lights up the orange and pink due to the approaching twilight. Well, everyone's smiles are like stars on Earth.

"Congratulations, Kook!" Jisoo wraps his brother in a tight embrace. Jungkook squeezes Jisoo while laughing with joy. He thanks his sister before moving away from each other, shooting grins with his friends around them.

"Congrats Taehyung and Jungkook! We're happy for both of you." Rosie hugs the two, patting their backs together.

Of course, Namjoon wouldn't miss the celebration because it's his brother-in-law and his friends. He shakes their hands and pats their backs. "Shall we go now and celebrate?"

"Yeah, let's go!" Yoongi pops out of nowhere like a mushroom holding a yellow banner. They didn't peg him as the jolly type since he looks cold if motionless. You wouldn't know he's five years older than them. "Let's get Hoseok and Seokjin too."

They speak one after another like a choir deciding where to go and what to do. The plan is to not plan anything, live in the moment, and make a decision in the second.

"I can't make it." Jungkook intrudes, peeking his head into the conversation and circle. The group turns their heads together toward him.

"Trouble in paradise, Kook?" Lisa inquires, raising one of her eyebrows. "Jennie couldn't really make it?"

He nods. "But I want you all to continue it without us. Don't worry, we can celebrate another time." The unwavering smile and radiance on his face could not hide the worry behind his eyes.

"It's okay. We understand." Jimin spins Jungkook's body to face the direction of the crowded exit. "Go to her!"

The group acts as if they don't want him to be with them. They'll miss him. Though without one of their best friends, Jennie, missing out on the fun. Jungkook wouldn't enjoy it without her.

"See you all soon!" Jungkook waves, walking backward, the black coat hanging on his arms.

"See you all soon!" Jungkook waves, walking backward, the black coat hanging on his arms

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Expensive Housemate | jenkookWhere stories live. Discover now