10 ⏤ downpour.

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NO matter how much Jungkook tries to act bitter, he's always caught smiling when he sees Jennie. Be it in his house, on the street to the outside of the subdivision, or in the university hallway. There are thousands of students in every course, but Jungkook can always scan and find Jennie in the crowd. It's odd how he can tell it's her. Well, the woman is the only one who always wears an oversized jacket or sweater while the sun's striking.

"Ugh." Jungkook covers his forehead with one hand, the palm slapping hard on his head, which Taehyung heard.

The only friend he considers in his third year of college is Taehyung Kim, who happens to be the boyfriend of Lisa Jung⏤Jennie's best friend. It amazes Jungkook how much Jennie and his life are interconnected so suddenly. I should've just chosen a man to live with. If he wasn't needing money, he should've declined Jennie's offer immediately on her first day of arrival. If he did, he might not be having trouble with his expenses.

Jennie does pay on time and in cash, but that's still not enough to reimburse for his mortgage and pending hospital bills. He needs to find another job or get a new one. What has Jungkook been doing the past few days? He's thinking of ways to save more money and be a supportive friend to Jennie and her baby.

Jennie again? Really? Jungkook's mind is occupied by Jennie's cute smile and pretty little face again. The moment he saw her smile so wide when she showed the ultrasound, Jungkook already admitted to himself she's beautiful... But to see her act goofy and happy with him in the backyard? She's beyond beautiful to describe. Jennie's as pretty as Jisoo, and he isn't that appreciative to give a comment about a woman's looks. Jennie did something to him.

Now comes the thought about Jisoo crawling back to his mind. Jisoo and Jungkook cut off their connection. He's too prideful to not contact her, though sometimes he wishes that Jisoo's there to help him solve his issues. The young woman was his rock when his mom wasn't there. Jisoo is the only female he allows to control some of his decisions with his consent.

I should've let Jisoo help, but his ego won't let him. That's the only thing he had left. To him, it's still not too late to fix the problems little by little. He just needs to focus on one task at a time. It sounds easy to do if Jennie isn't distracting him, then Jungkook's back on being a mess, where he'd wish to admire her all day long.

Jungkook breathes out, rubbing his nape from the stress and Jennie's distracting smile. In the middle of his self monologue, a water bottle is put on his desk. Taehyung sits on the chair next to him. Their professor hasn't arrived yet, giving the man time to talk with him. "You look like you need a drink."

Jungkook smiles, thanking him for his generosity. He often relies on Taehyung while juggling between his class and work. He becomes the guy Jungkook asks if he needs help in his subjects or activities. Apart from Jimin, who's now an upper-year, Jungkook found a friend in Taehyung.

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