22 ⏤ outbursts.

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THREE boxes of expensive suits lay on the coffee table of Jungkook's living room. He doesn't know what to open first from Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi's packages. Jennie's graduation is coming, and he has to dress formally. He neither wants to accept anything the three have given. Favoritism at its best. It's not Jungkook's character to accept charity cases, but does he have a choice?

He closes the boxes, sighing as he reclines on the couch. He rests his arms on the backrest, pushing his head back to hang free on the other side. His stare at the ceiling is burning matches there. Jennie's graduation is tonight, and she's with her best friends ⏤ and, of course, Jisoo. She wouldn't miss a chance to help her future sister-in-law. With everyone busy on their errand, he has the time to prepare himself, yet slacking off by reflecting on the occurrences.

He was going to wear a long sleeve that his mom gave him. Though if he does that, he would look out of place with the lavish outfits his friends will wear. Seokjin's gift is too blue, like him. He's mad at Yoongi and wouldn't consider his gift. Childish, I know. That leaves him with Hoseok's suit, showing obvious bias toward him because of his affinity to the Min Co. Jungkook scoffs. "Where have your bachelor days gone, Jungkook?" He mutters himself.

Jungkook was to go to his and Jennie's shared room when the doorbell rang. He lazily opens the gate to see Taehyung. "Lisa and the girls told me to check on you." He let himself in, making Jungkook follow him inside to see the choices and how he isn't ready... At all.

Taehyung recognizes the same uneasiness on his face from months ago. "What's wrong?" He asks. Jungkook dismissed his question and told Taehyung he was alright, just tired from working. "You were like that before too. Don't make stupid mistakes again. This is Jennie's big day." He strongly reminds his friend.

He finally learned the situation between Jungkook and Jennie. There isn't another explanation for why Jennie's tummy is round. It didn't need an alibi, and he understood why Jungkook and Lisa were protective of her.

"What do you mean before and again?" Jungkook pauses from his spot in the middle of the stairs. He jerks his head behind, frowning at Taehyung meddling with the clothes on the table.

His friend looks up, a perplexed expression written on his face. "Well, you were so wasted. I didn't even know how you got home." Taehyung admits.

Jungkook has no idea what happened before and when he was drunk. "Dude. You were so mad at your sister ⏤ Jisoo ⏤ that you called us when you were drinking alone."

Months ago, Jungkook confronted Jisoo about the news he heard that the Min's were revealing another heir and a new female executive. It's unmistakably Jisoo who he thought would not forgive their father for what he did to their mother. He was wrong and pushed Jisoo away before she could disclose and clarify her side of the story. She hurriedly tried to apologize to Jungkook, who was ignoring her existence. They were both still wounded. Jisoo doesn't want her younger brother to hate her.

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