13 ⏤ daddy issues.

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MRS. LEE enters the kitchen-dining room with a white dress in her arms after leaving Jennie to cook without her help. The woman assisted and taught Jennie to cook other dishes for her future needs as a mother from eight in the morning. The women accidentally saw each other at the front of their gates. They had a small chat before Jennie was offered free cooking lessons.

"How did it go, Jennie?" She asks, a bright smile on her lips. She checks Jennie, who just finished plating their lunch together. The steam is visible from the freshly made meal, the aroma making Mrs. Lee excited to taste and eat.

Jennie, her hair in braids and wearing a white sweater, smiled and invited her. Mrs. Lee sits down, taking too much soup from the bowl. Jennie couldn't be happier to watch Mrs. Lee's eyes light up, indicating her success in making the food.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Mrs. Lee. Thank you for being patient with me." Jennie thanked the woman while sitting in front of her. The woman offered her to eat, but she wasn't too hungry after eating five loaves from Mrs. Lee's basket.

You're doomed if Jungkook knew what you did. Jennie's thoughts once again are filled with her housemate. Jungkook's working at Jung's sister company for technology as a clerk thanks to having known the siblings Hoseok and Lisa Jung.

As Mrs. Lee constantly praises Jennie as if she was her daughter, the brunette notices the fabric hooked on the elderly's arm. Jennie asks curiously without knowing the truth behind it.

"Right. If you don't mind, dear, can you give this to Jungkook? Jaebok left it here, and I forgot to bring it to him because..." The woman chuckles, pausing at her own joke. "...I'm an old woman."

The statement piqued Jennie's curiosity. She still doesn't know many details about Jungkook, and another name connected to him was mentioned. She inquired, leaning with both arms on the table with eagerness. There's a change of expression that Mrs. Lee showed before she spoke, sadness evident in her wrinkled eyes.

"He hasn't told you about her?" Mrs. Lee sighs, folding the dress neatly as if she's reminiscing an old memory. "This dress was sewed and tailored by Jaebok, Jungkook's mother, who passed away months ago, dear."

Jennie, too, lost her color. She's lost for words, mouth dropping. She finally knew who the person Jungkook was talking about a month ago. The person who died and changed his life was the death of his mother and the house... The furniture, the paintings, the washing machine, and everything else was Jaebok Jeon's property. How did Jungkook deal with the pain when his surroundings may have reminded him of his mom?

The apparent death of Jaebok was why Jungkook grew his hair because the woman liked combing it for him because she was dying. Mrs. Lee was very close to Jaebok, like how she is to Jennie. The woman would spend her time visiting Mrs. Lee to sew and chat, eventually making the dress but hadn't finished it. There were only a few more parts left to sew. Sadly, Mrs. Lee couldn't continue it because of her very poor eyesight and shaky hands.

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