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THE university lights open automatically as twilight approaches. Jennie and her two best friends, Lisa and Rosie, are walking after their last class in their final semester. They're excited to finally graduate, and Lisa was already thinking about where they should spend the time to give Jennie a baby shower. Rosie liked the idea after they learned that Jennie's having a daughter.

"Would you want to spend a few hours at my crib?" Rosie gleams, holding Jennie's hand with a grin. They haven't spent much time with Jennie these past few days because of how busy they all are.

"It's only a few hours." Lisa's eyes twinkle as if she's already picturing the event.

Jennie's sensitive and emotional as a pregnant woman. Seeing how appreciated and loved she is by her friends warms her heart. The world is not so bad after all. Though, she had made plans for tonight.

She hasn't said anything yet, only a smile on her blooming face that her friends know she could only have if it's about Jungkook.

"It's not a date." Jennie diminishes Lisa's thoughts before the woman can tease her. "It's only dinner at home."

"Whatever you say, Jen." Rosie rolls her eyes. "Do you want a ride home?"

Jennie had noticed in her two female friends their overprotectiveness toward her. It's a sweet feeling whenever they show how much they care for her, but sometimes she can handle herself well, I have to, anyway.

"I'll see you, girls, next week." Jennie waves at Rosie and Lisa. She has to speak with their college dean regarding her part-time job issue.

She hasn't lost touch with her sharp observations of her surroundings. The only thing she failed to see was Jungkook's love for her. It's still unclear to her, yet so obvious. She wasn't sure if it was love she and Jungkook felt for one another or if he just wanted to love her baby.

Her intrusive thoughts fade as she faces the office door. Jennie puts on a smile, entering the place. The dean is surprised to see her there, which she doesn't often do when getting her pay.

"Mrs. Heo, may I have a word with you?" Jennie wanted to investigate. Her part-time job feels off, especially when the teacher she's substituting for is back after her leave.

"The graduation is a month away, Ms.Kim. We thought you should fill in until then." The dean responded, though Jennie already knew what was up.

"I talked to Mrs. Choi earlier, Ma'am. The management said you put her on hold because I wasn't done with the contract." Jennie didn't sign any contract, only a job acceptance letter, and she didn't want to feel like she had stolen the woman's job. "Would you care to share what was that about, Ma'am?"

Jennie still smiles, though it's sarcastic. What was stopping the dean from not talking about it? It can't be because they're scared of what her family can do to them. She's already an outcast. From the beginning, the wage she gets was questionable and too much for someone who only works for two hours. She heard and eavesdropped on them that she only got the substitute work because the dean of business was under control. It seems like someone else was paying her purposely.

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