03 ⏤ pasta without pasta.

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JUNGKOOK and Jennie may have more things in common. They're both studying at the same university and in the same course, but different batches and years. She's a senior while he's still a junior. It amazes Jungkook how they didn't even once encounter each other on campus.

"I didn't expect it, too," Rosé says while cooking on Jungkook's stove and pan.

Jennie and Jungkook just sit across from each other while Rosé takes the lead on cooking dinner. Yesterday, he bumped into Jennie and realized their batchmates too. Now, Rosé invites herself into his house just because she's the cousin of his best friend.

"Who let you in?" Jungkook asks while starting at Rosé mixing the pasta sauce.

Jennie looks at Jungkook. "I didn't. I don't even know how she got in here."

Rosé rolls her eyes to face the two. Her hands are on her hips. "I let myself in. I'm exempted. I'm friends with the people living here."

Jennie and Jungkook glance at each other with a weirded-out look while letting Rosé do the cooking. This is Jennie's second day of being housemates with Jungkook. Rosé came to check up on Jennie to see how her best friend's doing.

Jennie is fine. She hasn't found anything weird or creepy from Jungkook. Jennie also slept well and found nothing suspicious. She hopes it continues to live a healthy and peaceful life until she's ready to come out.

"Would you like one too, Jungkook?" Rosé teased the man as if it was not the ingredients he owned that she used.

Jungkook chuckles a little, standing to get get a plate of creamy carbonara from Rosé. It's free labor anyway. When it was Jennie's turn to take her meal, she refused to let Rosé put on the pasta noodles for her.

"Why?" Rosé asks since she cooked it separately.

They're more shocked and slightly unhappy with Jennie's choice of food. They thought she made hot chocolate to drink, but she mixed it with the carbonara sauce.

"Uh, are you going to eat that?" Junglook asks with a concerned expression the same as Rosé. It's their turn to look at each other while Jennie happily eats the pasta sauce and chocolate drink together.

They watch how Jennie smiles and enjoy her meal without reluctance. It's clear to Jennie's expression how delighted she is to eat.

"I think that's normal for her," Rosé says, looking at Jungkook then back to Jennie. "She likes weird food. She even drinks spoiled milk with strawberries."

"Won't that gives her an upset stomach?" Jungkook asks again, to where Jennie is the one who answers it.

"Sometimes, but I like it this way," Jennie speaks, scooping with her spoon to the bowl of weird concoction.

Rosé and Jungkook glance at each other again before letting Jennie feast on her meal. The two start to eat normally. Somehow, Jungkook is glad Rosé is here to share the experience of Jennie eating something that looks like it came out of Korea's worst kitchen.

Later that evening, it's Jennie's duty to wash the dishes after she walks Rosé out of the house. Jungkook comes down to get a drink to see Jennie doing her chores. She doesn't seem to notice he's there and taking the pitcher to pour him a glass of water. At the same time, Jennie finishes her task. Though, after stepping to the right, her head turns a little bit dizzy.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook notices. She's turning pale again like before.

Jennie heard him but was too occupied by the nauseating feeling again. Her stomach uprises against her will. She instantly finds the nearest and private place to puke her guts out again.

Jungkook follows behind her with worry. He sees Jennie puking on the toilet bowl all of a sudden. It's always a good thing he doesn't use any bathroom except his. He maintains cleanliness much better because of Jennie as his housemate.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks like it's obvious. Jennie's on the flooring crying her stomach out.

He doesn't want to go to her because it might alarm her. He's still a stranger to her, and touching her is another level of friendship yet to be unlocked.

Jungkook doesn't know what to do. He leaves Jennie to find clean fabric in the kitchen area to give to her. When he got back, Jennie was done vomiting and had flushed it down, but she remained seated on the floor like a weak stray animal.

He's about to speak when Jennie slowly stands up to go to the sink and open the faucet. She used her hands to gargle the water and spit it down the sink before looking at Jungkook.

"I have a towel." He says, awkwardly extending his hand to give the cloth.

Jennie shot him a small and forced smile. She takes it from him, thanking him as she slips her way out of the bathroom.

"Are you feeling well? Is it because of the chocolate pasta?" Jungkook opens his mouth again. He's concerned about what's happening to her. Maybe she's just sick, he thought.

"Yes. You don't need to worry about me. It's not part of your job as my landlord." Jennie bows down before continuing to walk away and up to her room.

Jungkook stays there, following her shadow before it disappears on the corner of the stairs, raising an eyebrow. Where did that attitude come from? I'm just being decent.

He's slightly irritated by Jennie's choice of words to speak. She did finish her chore and is doing well in not giving problems. Her sassy personality is just the downside of it. Despite that, Jungkook still showed compassion to the woman.

He knocks on Jennie's door, calling out her name. Minutes after, she opens the door halfway to see him standing with a glass of water and medicines in his hands.

"I think you might need this," Jungkook says, steps away from her. "There's no poison here or anything. I brought it if you need medicines."

Jennie looks at him, staring straight into his eyes. It's as if they have a stare-off where no one wants to back down and lose. Eventually, Jennie looks away and takes the glass of water and medicines from him.

"Thanks, Jungkook," Jennie says politely, bowing to him again.

He, too, did the same. They both stand there in silence until Jungkook takes his leave and bid her good night.

"If there's anything I can help, I'm just down in the kitchen," Jungkook says. That's where he usually does his activities and projects.

He goes down the stairs while Jennie closes the door and puts the medicine and water on the desk.

"I don't need anything," Jennie sits down on her bed, turning her head to look at the window and its view. "I need freedom."

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