20 ⏤ spilled tea.

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THE weather makes Jennie sneeze. It has been raining for a few days, but the administration office still has the air condition turned on max. She just took her papers about her achievements and awards for her graduation in a couple of weeks. She also resigned as the substitute, not wanting to have Seokjin's influence on her own effort to earn. Her brother's help wasn't that bad. However, Jennie needed to prove she could make it without her family's assistance.

Just months ago, Jennie started the semester with a huge burden and trauma. Her parents let her go, disowning her, and the people ridiculed her. Now, she's graduating and free to be who she wants.

"Ah⏤" Jennie freezes, head tilting up. "⏤choo!" She sneezes again. She sniffs, taking the tissue from the table. She's not going to get sick, won't she? Jungkook will worry even more.

The couple has been talking about their plans. Jungkook's heart-wrecking confession days ago proved how much they wanted to be together. It means they need to start preparing for Baby Jay, and who will work after she's born? Of course, Jungkook will take the lead. Jennie knows it even if he's not telling her. The man proves every day that prince charming exists in real life or that a king is willing to do anything for his queen. She was soft as jelly in the past few days, clingy to him too. Who wouldn't want to be beside Jungkook Jeon?

It's always Jungkook this, Jungkook that. Where is Jungkook? Why isn't Jungkook with her? When will he get home? Those are all that Jennie was thinking when she couldn't see him. She's down badly and missing him seconds after another. His presence wasn't enough. Jennie clings to Jungkook, wanting to show him how in love she is.

Though her thoughts about Jungkook and the future end when her friends arrive. "Hi, Jennie! We're here." Jennie glances to the left to see Lisa greeting her dearly, following the woman is Rosé.

"Sorry, we're late. Our girl here," she looks at Rosie, who is taking a sit next to her at the table. "She had a problem in the bathroom." Lisa looks at her with a sly grin.

"Shut up." Rosé rolls her eyes, pulling her chair closer to the table. "You didn't see anything."

Since graduation is near, they don't have classes anymore and are completing requirements. Today they decided to finish them all. They're slightly in a hurry, for they plan to look for jobs or internships this early. Well, Rosie and Jennie are job hunting. Rosé's family wants her to take responsibility for her future instead of making her inherit the business without experiencing being an employee. On the other hand, Lisa leads a luckier path, being an heir to her parent's business like Hoseok.

The café's placid phase has Jennie with her friends crumpled in their world, not caring if guests and customers would recognize or see her pregnant. Jungkook was the one who discovered the place and knew no other student from the university visit. Speaking about Jungkook, the king of her heart, their small conversation continues about Jennie's relationship with her boyfriend.

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