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WAS there something more beautiful than spending your day and your time watching and adoring the woman you love? For Jungkook, his days are always beautiful with Jennie. There was a new atmosphere, a world created solely inside their house. Their home was their haven together where Jennie could freely be herself and do the things she wanted while pregnant. And Jungkook can stop worrying when he is at home ⏤ to Jennie.

Though, now his home is cramped and a mess because of their friends. A simple movie marathon is what Jungkook wished to spend with Jennie. There won't be anything special. He just wants to talk and talk with her. If he could only just stop working or going to the university to be with her all the time, he would do it. Jungkook's whipped. He is whipped for her that seeing Jennie's attention divided annoyed him.

"Will you stop blocking the fucking TV, Taehyung?" Lisa glared at the man who had just stood up but sat again immediately. Taehyung keeps on moving and blocking the ladies' view on the couch.

"I'm sorry, babe. I was gonna get some napkin after Jimin spilled the drink on me." Taehyung hisses at Jimin sitting next to him on the ground. The two grown men were ready to fight over one drink like children in a sleepover.

Jimin and Taehyung came without notice to the Jeon household after hearing from Lisa and Rosie about the marathon happening at Jungkook's. Jennie didn't invite her friends. She simply notified them of her plan for tonight, which they crashed. Jungkook's plan failed when he opened the gate for them. Now he's sitting at the other sofa chair apart from Jennie. They didn't want to disrespect Rosie for being single, so Lisa and Jennie snuggled her in the middle of the couch.

"I did not. I first got it, asshole." Jimin defends his side, explaining that he went to the bathroom and Taehyung was already drinking his beverage.

"Shut up, you two." Rosé snarls. She was more into the Twilight series than anyone in the room since she picked it and won the rock-paper-scissors. The first movie only started an hour ago where the guys constantly argue.

"Fine." Taehyung exasperates, rolling his eyes at Jimin. "Scoot away."

"You move, crook." Jimin pushes Taehyung a little too much. Taehyung's eyes widen, mouth open from shock. Jimin chortles lowly at Taehyung's reaction, but it only started the war.

"Fuck you." Taehyung wrestles with Jimin on the ground startling the women who just wanted to watch peacefully.

Jungkook just made a face, looking at the two tussling their clothes and rolling on the rug. Of course, Lisa and Rosie beg them to stop, looking at Jungkook. He has a sarcastic smile as the chaos happens in front of him. Jennie closes her eyes, aggravated and regretful that she persuaded Jungkook to let them stay for a while.

She stands up, demanding the men to get out of the house. Everyone stops what they're doing and shuts up. "My house, my rules. Get. Out."

Jennie's cat eyes look like she'll claw their throats. Taehyung and Jimin get off one another, fix their clothes, and ask Jennie to calm down. She didn't care as they disturbed her peace and time.

Expensive Housemate | jenkookWhere stories live. Discover now