16 ⏤ you and me.

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LOOKING back to how things were, Jennie's doing a lot these days with a smile on her pretty little face. She's flying in the clouds, bubbly and optimistic about what tomorrow offers her. She didn't mind the rumors spreading about her because she was confident her friends and Jungkook won't leave her for good.

"Thanks for the ride, Lisa." Jennie waves at her friend after she gets dropped off at the subdivision entrance.

"Don't hurt your fingers anymore, okay? Bye." Lisa smiles, waving back before closing the window and honking her car before driving away.

Jennie saunter in the direction of her house after greeting the old guard with a pet cat in his guardhouse. She built a friendship with the people in the subdivision, different from how she dealt with her relatives and family members. Though she halts, head tilting to the right as she looks at the car parked in front of her house. A tall man with clean-cut hair that was too familiar to Jennie to not recognize came down from the driver's side.

"Namjoon?" She voices out, a smile on her lips when Namjoon turns his head to look at her.

Namjoon grins, eyes squinting in delight. Out of all places, he meets Jennie again in unexpected ways. "It's good to see you, Jen. How have you been?" He's eager to know what happened to the first person he loved sincerely.

Jennie felt embarrassed to tell him what had happened to her. She skipped telling the part about being thrown out of her mansion and home with nothing. Namjoon, on the other hand, is well-off and became a successful businessman. He's taller, bulkier, and had gotten more dashing. Not as handsome and ripped as Kook. Jennie thought, which she immediately took back and got flustered suddenly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing." He says with an accent. He was there to visit someone. "You know him?" Namjoon asks again, surprised that Jennie's living with Jungkook Jeon.

"Yeah. How did you know Jungkook?" Jennie questions back. However, her question is answered by the woman who came out from the other side of the car. Her hair is blown by the wind in a direction that unravels her goddess-like face. A charming heart-smile painted on her face while tucking strands of her hair behind her ear.

Jennie's heart skipped a beat with how beautiful the woman was. She strides to their side with a friendly yet dominant persona, wearing a casual loose long-sleeves tucked under a fitted black skirt. Her elegance was already alluring, but what made Jennie stop marveling at her was the light-hazel eyes that complimented her tan skin.

"You two seem to know each other and the person living here." She comments, standing next to Namjoon, who wraps his hand around her waist. "Hello there."

There's no denying this woman is pretty as fuck, in the same class and level as her and her best friends. Jennie knows who she is without even knowing her. Her mood immediately changes, her voice turning huskier as if she's challenged by the woman. Nonetheless, the woman gives off a relaxed aura that puts her at ease.

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