08 ⏤ alone together.

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MIDTERMS have come and gone. Jennie's efforts to study bear good results as she now looks at the ranking in the bulletin board in front of the dean's office of business administration. She made it to the top five, ranking in fourth place. She could've done better and become number one, but she has reasons to not go overboard and overwork herself.

"I'm impressed you ranked this high again despite your duties." Lisa congratulated her friend after their first class ended. The ranking was their most awaited moment, where almost half of their classmates gathered to look at the results.

"What can you say? She's born to be a genius." Rosé claps slightly with a beaming smile to support Jennie. She smiles, trying to hide the enthusiasm by looking and holding down the hem of her oversized beige sweater.

Just as the three best friends are holding a tiny celebration and cheer for each other for being included in the top twenty, they are stopped by a few whispers they heard near them. The three girls halt from walking when they hear a batchmate openly insult Jennie.

"She used to be the school's ace and her daddy's favorite, now she's just a lowly achiever aiming to be back at her place." Jennie looks back at the woman who spoke, acting like she's waiting for the crowd to disperse and look at the results on the board. Next to the woman is another female much smaller than her.

"I wonder what happened to her?" The woman spoke again. This time, she smiles sweetly and gazes at Jennie and her friends. "I bet she did something disgraceful and scandalous to be abandoned by her family like that."

"What do you⏤" of course, Jennie being naturally savage, stops Rosé before she could fight the woman.

"We don't talk to recycled materials, Rosie. Let the flies talk all they want." Jennie raises one of her eyebrows to judge Minhee, the woman, from head to toe. "It's better to let them stink on their own."

She wouldn't go down without a sassy remark that leaves a burn to her enemies. One of her old-time rivals from high school was Minhee. It's true that when you're famous you'll have more haters. The three swayed their hair, turning their back to the two women though a fight won't end without physical feuds. Minhee's friend added fuel to the fire.

"At least we aren't disowned by our own family. It must be terrible to be Jennie Kim. A princess now turned to a toad. What a waste of time." She even laughs to mock Jennie. Typical catfights like this happen in high school, but the world of college students is wilder with these gossips and slanders.

That immediately triggered an angry response and retaliation from Jennie. Her body moves on her own to attack the short friend of Minhee. "You little bitch."

"Woah, Jennie, wait!" Lisa is fast to grab hold of Jennie's right hand before she can cause damage to the two classmates. However, it was Jungkook's firm hold on Jennie's shoulder that stopped her instantly.

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