14 ⏤ always do.

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JENNIE froze on the spot, out of words. Her heart jumped in awe because of Jungkook's sudden proposal. What was going on in Jungkook's head to ask her that? She couldn't process the question, unable to speak, choking on her own words when Jennie asked if he was still drunk. Jungkook's gaze was steady on her. His hazel-colored eyes stared into her darker ones, making Jennie's breathing shake. Jungkook was dead serious. He hasn't been this serious about love and relationships all his life. All he knows is that Jennie... Jennie Kim made him feel loved and complete with all his mistakes.

"I want to be the father of your child, Jennie. Would you let me?" Jungkook spoke, not even blinking, yet he looked beautiful in Jennie's sight. Too charming to not accept his confession.

She covers her mouth under the blanket to prevent herself from squealing like a teenager. No matter how busy she gets at the university and in her part-time job, her mind constantly goes back to the memory of Jungkook professing. And Jennie's a wreck again.

"Gosh." Jennie mouthed. Jungkook is like her caffeine. Two days have passed since then. That's how long she hasn't slept well at night. He keeps her awake at night, thinking and restless. He always stays on her mind and is now on his way to her heart. She places a hand on her chest, feeling it beat irregularly fast.

How can a perfect man like Jungkook exist? Jennie unconsciously smiles as she remembers all the good deeds and the sweet things Jungkook showed her. Just the thought makes Jennie blush like the reddest kimchi stew. She almost wanted to squirm in her bed if it weren't for her stomach and the little angel letting its presence known.

"Should I give Jungkook a chance? An answer, love?" Jennie caresses her round tummy, talking to the baby. She feels the swift but gentle movement of the baby. She grins from ear to ear, much happier to see her baby is healthy and disturbing her daily Jungkook-thoughts. The baby's development and butterfly movements always make her enthusiastic. She's near her sixth month, and in one more month, she'll graduate and won't have to worry about hiding her pregnancy. Soon enough, she'll see and hold the joy of her life with Jungkook.

Jungkook and the baby.

Jennie wants nothing more in this world but to be with Jungkook and her baby. Although, she doesn't want to rush things. She's still trying to put her life together piece by piece. Despite Jungkook being a great help, Jennie needs to be sure. He gained her trust, but can he earn her love? Being in a relationship is not like a fairytale if both parties have a broken view of love.

Is it right to let Jungkook be responsible and be the father of her child? Will that change their relationship? Many questions circulate in Jennie's mind. What will happen after? Busy in her thoughts, Jennie feels another quick movement in her stomach.

"You like him too, don't you?" She has a crush on Jungkook to the extent that he makes her feel restless and energized, more than she had felt with Namjoon before.

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