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A tragic story ends with newfound hope. Jungkook knows it too well. A year ago, he was living the life of a college student, a party jock, and a wealthy bastard. He was enjoying a party the night before the morning tragedy happened. He received a call from a doctor. He wasn't one to believe it, thinking it might be another scam since he was rich and his phone number was open and saved by the public, specifically by his flings.

"This is about your mother, Jaebok Jeon. She's dying." Doctors always have serious tones about illnesses, but this? Jungkook can't process the news.

It was between his life and death. Something he had never faced before. Why didn't his mother contact him directly? Did she feel guilty for leaving him behind and now want him to help her? Jungkook scowled and was angry. He denied helping his mother. He drops the call immediately and sighs, covering his naked upper body with the blanket. The woman he hooked up with awoke to his grunts.

Of course, he did what he was good at. He ignores every problem he's gotten into and had casual one-night-stands, with protection at least. Yet, the call bothered him. Why would they reach out to him when it's too late? Is it because Jaebok regrets everything? Is she afraid to die alone? He was lonely for many years and alone on his journey. Why would he help Jaebok? After all those questions, then Jungkook realized something.

"She's been suffering from cancer for years," Jungkook repeated the Doctor's words. His mother didn't want to burden him or Jisoo with his sickness. Letting Jisoo know first, as the eldest, would make the woman cry and throw all her hard work for their mother. She would give up on anything for their mother without hesitation.

How long was Mom suffering alone without anyone's help? Jungkook had a realization, and the next thing he knew, he was traveling from Seoul to Busan. His heart was racing from anxiety and worry as he followed the Doctor's advice and navigation.

The state he found his mother in the bed was heartbreaking. He never imagined meeting her this way, weak, skeleton-like, and with eyes devoid of hope. The scene was devasting, breaking him into two. He barely recognized her in that state. However, the moment he came and hugged her, Jaebok found a will to live longer.

Jungkook changed that day. He was finally a son who was loved and appreciated. Together with his mother, he left his old habits to be better and support her.

"Mom, are you sure about this? We'll be far away from Doc Yoo." Jungkook questions his mother's decision to leave Busan to go back to Seoul.

"Yes, Kook. The house will be left alone, and we don't have to pay for the rent if we move there." Jaebok smiles while folding their clothes. Her body is slowly getting better and healthier. She's not refusing to take treatments and undergoing chemotherapy again.

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