An 8.5 on the Richter Scale

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A/N I decided to try some angst based of this post from OTP Prompts: After trying to escape a catastrophe, imagine your OTP giving up and dying in each other's arms while confessing their feelings for each other.

"David! Hurry up! It's getting worse!" Joshua yelled. He felt like the world was crumbling around him. For once, it really was.

Joshua and David had been caught up in editing something, and had stayed late to finish it. Shortly after 7:30, a strong earthquake had hit.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" David grabbed some blankets they had laying around. Joshua grabbed his hand and began pulling him towards the lunch room where they had a large, sturdy table. As they approached the doorway of the game bang room, a chunk of the ceiling fell. David saw and braced himself. Impact didn't come. Instead, he felt arms wrap around him protectively. Then he was on the floor. David looked over and saw Joshua, tears of pain running down his face, with both of his legs crushed under the ceiling that had fallen. He gasped as he saw blood pooling, at an alarming rate, around Joshua's legs.

"D-David, go. Y-you can't save m-me."

David shook his head and placed a blanket over Joshua. " I figure we're going to die, so fuck it. Joshua, I love you, and I have for a long time. Ever since I met you at clevver." Tears began pouring down his face. "Please don't die on me."

Joshua blushed weakly and slowly pulled David towards him, ignoring all that was around them. They kissed, and fell into each others arms. "I love you too."

Another piece of ceiling fell, crushing some of David's internal organs, killing him instantly. Joshua soon bled out, joining David in the afterlife.

A week later

"Today we honor the lives of our beloved Joshua Ovenshire and David Moss. We aren't here to mourn their deaths, but to celebrate the full lives they lived."

Anthony stepped up to the podium and began speaking. "It was a true honor meeting these men. I feel lucky to have been able to call them some of my best friends. Joshua was a guy who always seemed to know what way was up. We would tease him and poke at him, but he would always seem to know not to take us seriously.

"And David, well, let's just say he was one of the best insane people out there. From his hatred of balls to his tattoo, David had quirks like no other. He was always there to help you smile when it felt like you were being crushed. And when he needed to be he was serious.

"There are no people out there who are even remotely similar. These two men who we honor today are unique and quirky. But that's what we loved about them."

Somewhere far above, angelic forms of Joshua and David, hand in hand, smiled down at their friends, who they would watch and protect until their time came.

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