You're Perfect

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Prompt from otpprompts: Imagine Person A of your OTP staring at themselves in a mirror pinching and pulling at the skin on their body disgustedly and then Person B walks in on them, sits them down, and tells them how beautiful they are.

Joshua sat on the edge of his bed, staring into the mirror.  He hated himself for doing this, scratch that, he just hated himself in general.  He pinched at the skin near his hip and winced slightly. 

Joshua bit his lip, harshly swiping a few tears that had built up in his eyes.  He tugged at his stomach.  'Why do I have to be the way I am?' He thought.  'Maybe if I had been born someone else, I wouldn't be so fat, or so stupid, or- or just not as fucked up as I am.'  Once again wiping away tears, Joshua bit back a small whimper. 

David was walking past Joshua's room when he heard an odd noise.  Stopping, he listened and heard it again.  It sounded like muffled cries. 

David pushed the door open slowly, and saw Joshua staring into the mirror,  unshed tears in his eyes as he pulled at his stomach.  "Joshua?"

Joshua jumped, and quickly grabbed a pillow, covering his body as well as he could.  "David?  What are you doing in here?"

"Joshua, what's wrong?"

Joshua shook his head, clutching the pillow.  "It's nothing.  I'm fine."

David sat down next to him, placing a hand on Joshua's shoulder.  "Honey, tell me what's wrong."

Joshua shook his head, blinking back tears.  David linked his hand with Joshua's.  "It's stupid." Joshua whispered.

David gently stroked Joshua's hand with his thumb.  "I'm not gonna laugh if that's what you're worried about."

Joshua buried his face in the hand that wasn't binding David's, and muttered, "I'm just so fat, and so stupid, and you deserve someone better than me."  Tears began running down his cheeks, and he looked away from David.

"Hey, you're not fat or stupid.  And if anything, you're too good for me.  You're amazing, and you shouldn't be self conscious."

"David, I'm fat, ugly, stupid, and just fucked up in general.  I really don't know why you're with me."  Joshua sniffed quietly, letting go of David's hand.

David placed a hand on Joshua's back.  "Joshua, look at me, please."  Joshua hesitantly turned to look at David.  "You're beautiful, smart, and amazing.  I love you, and I don't think any of those things about you."  He leaned up and gently pressed a kiss to Joshua's lips.

Joshua kissed back, a few tears on his face.  David wiped the tears off of Joshua's face.  "I love you David."

"Love you too."

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