The Comments Can Get to You

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A/N Based on the Bonus video, "We Read Your Mean Comments!" (I think I got the title right). A lot of cursing. I admit, I'm not proud of how this turned out...

"Because that's why I do it! For all of you guys, and all those positive comments! Thanks so much guys! You make me feel so good right here." Joshua was circling his heart are with a finger, his anger starting to show. "Just right here, my happy spot. Thank you. For all those happy comments. Just remember you guys, we read all of your comments. Nothing you say gets by us. We see them." Joshua then turned and walked away, keeping his head turned, so no one would see the tears pricking at the edge of his eyes.

David looked at Matt, then began walking after Joshua. Joshua was ahead of David, and reached his office first. Joshua immediately shut and locked his door. David walked over to the door, and was about to knock, but then he heard Joshua talking to himself. "Well of course fuck me for having my own fucking opinion. Maybe I should go kill myself. Maybe then they'd be happy. That's all I fucking try to do. All I do is fucking drag down this channel. Might as well fucking replace me. It'd be pretty easy to find someone better at this shit.". There was a sudden, loud, bang as Joshua punched something. "Heh, it'd be beneficial. I can't even handle a little fucking hate. Maybe I do deserve it."

There was silence for a few seconds before the sound of Joshua crying was able to be heard. David hesitantly knocked. "Joshua, are you okay?"

There was a crash as Joshua stood up. The door opened and Joshua was standing there, his eyes slightly bloodshot. "Yeah. Fine. Why?"

David sighed. He looked in Joshua's office, and saw a dent in the wall. He glanced down at Joshua's hands and saw that they were bruised. "Okay, restating question. I know you aren't okay. What's wrong?"

Joshua turned his head away. "I know I should ignore it, but damn. It's hard. That one person was right. Let's be real here. I get the most hate. And maybe I do deserve it. All I do is drag this channel down. If I wasn't here, wouldn't things be better?"

David quickly shook his head. "Of course not. Yes, you get a lot of hate. But look out there at how many people love you. If you weren't here, things would be weird. You have your quirks, but so do we. And your quirks balance out ours really well. And we all love you. Myself, Anthony, Ian, Matt, Mari, Wes, and Amra. We're all here for you.". David smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

Joshua blushed slightly, but pulled David close to him in a strong hug.

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