Phone Call

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"I haven't called my parents and told them."

"Do you think it's a good idea? You were 16 when they kicked you out."

"I know. But maybe they've changed?"

"Joshua. I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I know, and that's why I'm not upset you don't want to tell them. I-I just feel like I should."

David sighed, knowing he couldn't argue that. He pulled Joshua towards him and kissed him gently. "Do you want me to leave the room?"

Joshua smiled at him nervously. "Actually, could you stay?"

Kissing Joshua's cheek, David grabbed his hand. "Of course."

Joshua squeezed his hand and began dialling his parent's number.

He held his breath, exhaling when someone on the other end picked up. "Hello? Hi mom. I know, I just have some big news. I'm getting married! What? No. You literally kicked me out because of that. I was 16! Look, his name is David and he's a better person than you could ever be!" Tears had began to run down his face.

Sighing, David gently pried the phone from Joshua's now vice-like grip. His voice was low and dangerous. "Hello, this is David, your son's fiancé. You should be ashamed of yourself. Joshua is an amazing person. From what I've heard, the opposite of you. So do me a favor, and don't hurt him ever again. Thank you." David hung up the phone, and pulled Joshua closer to him. Joshua buried his face in David's shoulder and cried.

They say like that for a while, and the David stood up, and gently tugged Joshua's hand. They walked into their bedroom, and David pulled Joshua onto the bed and held him.

Joshua cuddled up to him and they lied there until they fell asleep. As he was falling asleep, David whispered, "I love you, no matter what."

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