First Date

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A/N: In this oneshot Joshua and David are in high school, and Wes is Joven's guardian, just to clear a few things up. And as I like to do, David and Sohinki are brothers.

Joshua frantically ran downstairs. "See ya Wes!"

Wes looked up confused. "What's going on?"

Joshua rolled his eyes. "I have a date. Remember?"

"Ohh, right. Try not to get into an accident."

Joshua blushed. "That was one time!"

Wes giggled. "Yeah, I know. Have fun!"

Joshua rolled his eyes again. "Okay. See you later!"

"Be back by 10:30!"

"I will!"
David ran his fingers through his hair. "Calm down. You've been on dates before." Matt said.

David groaned. "Calm down?! I know I've been on dates before, but this is Joshua."

Matt chuckled. "Yeah, you're hopeless. Anyway, he's your best friend. Best case scenario, this works out, you two fall in love, well, further in love anyway, get married, yadda yadda ya. Worst case, this doesn't work out, and you two go back to being friends. It's gonna be fine."

David finished buttoning his shirt. "Easy for you to say."

"Yeah, it is. Look at Ian and Anthony."

"I see your point. Thanks." David grinned, ruffling Matt's hair.

Matt swatted at David's hands, and their dad's voice came up the stairs. "Dave! Your boyfriend's here!"

David blushed and bit his lip. Matt shoved him gently. "Go. Remember, best case scenario."

David walked downstairs, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Joshua grinned as David came down. "Hey."

David smiled, feeling more calm. "Hey."

David's dad smiled. "Have him back by 10."

Joshua nodded. "I will. You ready?"

David smiled. "Yeah."

Joshua grabbed his hand, and they walked out of the house together. Joshua climbed into his car, and David got in the passenger side. "So, where are ya taking me?"

"Well, I figured we could pull a cliché and go to a movie and dinner, or we could do something a little different. My idea was dinner and then spend a few hours at a video game arcade."

David grinned. "Definitely the dinner and video games."

Joshua smiled. "Awesome. But I've got to say, I totally called it."
After the two had dinner with some somewhat awkward conversation, they were at an arcade.

They were in the middle of a skee ball tournament. "No! How'd I miss that?!" Joshua yelled.

"Ha! It's cuz you suck!" David mocked.

Joshua glared at him. "I don't know what you're talking about. You're still losing."

David placed a hand over Joshua's face. "Shhhh. That's not the point."

Joshua stumbled backwards, nearly falling, but David grabbed his arm, keeping him upright. Joshua blushed, regaining his balance. "I'm still winning, y'know."

"Psh. That's not going to true soon." He rolled the ball up the ramp, gaining 50 points.

"So that's how you want to do this?"

"Well, duh."

Joshua grinned at him, still maintaining the higher score.
David was slumped against the car seat. "I don't know how you beat me."

Joshua gave him a lopsided grin. "I'm just better."

David rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay. But I did have a lot of fun."

Joshua pulled into David's driveway. "That's good. That was kinda the goal."
David rolled his eyes as they walked up to his door. Joshua scratched the back of his neck. "So, um, I'll see you tomorrow?"

David leaned upwards and gently kissed Joshua. Joshua was startled, but returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around David's waist.

When they pulled away, they were both blushing. "I'll see you tomorrow." David said, going inside.

Joshua smiled, lightly touching his lips.
"How'd your date go?" Wes asked as Joshua walked inside.

Joshua sighed. "It was perfect."

A/N: Yeah, another one. Get your contest entries in guys! 11 days left!

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