
432 11 2

A/N: Thanks to @kumathebear for this prompt!  I must say, I'm much better educated on food allergies now.

"...and the punishment is the two losers have to eat a, um, thing.  Mari, you know about it."

Mari tapped her fingers together.  "Bird salads!  You'll see what that is at the punishment."
"At the bottom, Wes and Lasercorn!  You two will have to eat our specially prepared salads!"

"Aww come on!  Do I look like a rabbit to you?  Or in this case, do I look like a bird to you?"  Lasercorn complained.

Flitz came into the room, carrying two bowls of lettuce with peanut butter and seeds on it.  Wes made a face.  "Where's Anthony? I think this is his lunch."

Everyone laughed as the two took the bowls.  Lasercorn poked at it before eating a forkful of it. "Ewww.  Recommendation.  Lettuce plus peanut butter is nasty as fuck.  It's wet, and sticky, and that's what your mom said last night."

Wes nodded in agreement. "This is getting a bad review on Yelp!"

David stopped suddenly when a sharp pain hit his stomach, and he began wheezing.  He sat in a chair, struggling to breathe.  Joven walked over and kneeled next to him.  "David, what's going on?"

"D-did that thing have- have sunflower seeds in it?"  He focused on his breathing as Mari nodded.

"Yeah, I think so."

"I-I'm allergic to- to them."  His eyes were starting to get red and watery. 

Joven gently placed a hand  on his knee.  "Do you have any medication?"

"Y-yeah.  In- in my desk.  It's an- an inhaler."

Wes rushed off to his office as Joshua got into the chair next to him and began rubbing his back.  David leaned over the armrest and laid on Joven's shoulder, tears running down his face. 

Wes came back with an inhaler and gave it to David, who put the end in his mouth and inhaled from it a few times.  He was still breathing heavily, but the wheezing had subsided. 

Shaking, he leaned on Joven who, wrapped an arm around him and kissed the side of his head. 

Slowly, David's breathing became normal, his eyes stopped watering, and he felt less like he was being stabbed.

He moaned quietly, feeling extremely drained.  Joven carefully pulled David into his lap.  "You alright?"

David buried his face in Joshua's shoulder.  "I've been better."  he mumbled.

Joshua carefully lifted David.  "I'm gonna take him home."

Everyone just kinda shooed them out the door.  "David, why didn't you ever say anything about your allergy?"

David sighed, his eyes heavy.  "I didn't think I'd ever come across them.  I'm pretty good about having the inhaler on me."

Joven kissed the top of his head, and gently set him in the passenger seat.  David leaned against the door, exhausted.

Joven smiled as he drove towards their apartment building.  By the time he arrived, David was passed out, so he carefully scooped the shorter man into his arms. 

He walked to the elevators, pushing the button with his leg, thanking God that the doorman was outside.  And that he hadn't fallen.

When they made it upstairs, Joven put all of David's weight on one arm, using the other to unlock their door.  He carried David into their bedroom, and laid him down, kissing his forehead. "I love you."  He whispered.

As he turned to leave, he heard a quiet, "Wait."  David stretched an arm towards him.  "Come cuddle with me?"

Joven slipped off his shoes and got on the bed.  "Were you awake when I carried you up here?"  David sheepishly nodded.  "You fucker." Joven muttered, kissing David's nose.

David snuggled into Joshua's arms, a smile on his face.  "And just so you know, I love you too."

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