Shuffle Drabble

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A/N The whole ten Drabbles based on the first ten songs when you shuffle your music. Don't hate on my music tastes. I'm trying to keep them under 200 words. It won't work. Yeah, they're more like one shots. 6-10 coming soon.

1.Somebody to You by The Vamps ft. Demi Lovato

David smiled, reminiscing on the last few years. Just five years ago, he was a self obsessed asshole, but then he'd met him. His best friend, Joshua. He and Joshua had quickly hit it off due to their shared love of video games. David sighed realizing he was letting his mind drift off again, and turned back to his work.

Meanwhile, Joshua was having the same problem. Joshua used to want to just go around, not really having any permanent relationships. But now, he wouldn't mind just being with David for the rest of his life. He glanced over to the edge of his desk where a small picture of David rested. Sighing, he stood and walked over to David's office, a sudden urge to talk to the other man striking him.

David jumped, startled, when a knocking sound filled the small room. "Come in!" He called.

"Hey David.". Joshua said, stepping inside. "Can we talk?"

David smiled. "Sure.". He shifted some stuff on his desk, and sat on the desk. He poked his chair with his foot. "Have a seat."

Joshua sat down. All he wanted, was to be someone to David. "I don't know how else to say it, so I'm just going to blurt it out. David I really like you as in more than a friend don't think less of me please."

David felt his face heat up. He stood, and pulled Joshua out of his chair. Leaning up, David kissed Joshua. He was finally somebody to Joshua.

2. Never Have I Ever by Megan Nicole

David groaned as his friends dragged, literally dragged, him outside. "Guys" he complained. "I'm fine staying home."

"No." His friend Ian said firmly. "Netflix and take out are not acceptable. You're a lonely 20-something year old. You're coming."

Finally arriving at the local bar, David hesitantly got out of the car. Ian shoved him in and told him, "Go hook up with someone,"

David rolled his eyes, but walked over to the bar to order a drink. Suddenly, some chick walked up to him and started flirting. He began sweating nervously. "Um, I'm not interested. So could you not?"

"Oh, please" the obviously drunk woman said. She then began trying to kiss him.

Then, a tall man walked over and pulled David from under the woman. The man tugged David away and into a corner. "Sorry, but it appeared she was harassing you, and I wanted to help."

David laughed. "She was. Thanks. I'm David."

The man smiled. "Joshua. I honestly don't want to be here. My friends dragged me."

"So did mine. So tell me about yourself."

The two had a nice next hour, and even danced a little. Then Joshua said, "You want to get out of here?"

David felt himself glow red and responded, "Um, what do you mean by that?"

Joshua's eyes widened. "Oh. Um, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant like to go to a beach near here. I want to get to know you more."

David smiled. "Sounds great. Let me just text my friend. He'll get paranoid."

David quickly pulled out (A/N hehehehehe) his phone and texted, "I'm leaving with a guy. And no, not in the way you're thinking, perv. ^-^"

He quickly got a response. "Riiight. Good luck, if you know what I mean. ;)"

David rolled his eyes. "So, Joshua, where is this place?"

"Not too far from here."

"Okay. But I'm trusting you, which is weird for me."

"Right back atcha."

They arrived at the small beach and grinned at each other. They stepped out and ran across the beach and into the ocean. They swam, then climbed back on shore. They talked about everything while laying in the sand, staring at the sky.

Eventually, the sun began to rise. David and Joshua stood up, brushed themselves off, and began driving towards David's place. "Hey Joshua, can you stop at a McDonald's or something? I need coffee."

Joshua laughed, and turned into the drive-thru, getting them each a coffee.

Soon enough, they reached David's home. "I had fun." David said, blushing. He then wrote down his number. "Let's do it again sometime."

3. Pompeii by Bastille

David stared out the window of his parents' car. He just stared behind them. He'd been forced to move away from L.A. with his parents. He was leaving everything he knew. His friends, his school, and, worst of all, his boyfriend, Joshua.

He looked ahead of them, where there were dark, looming clouds. Sighing again, he closed his eyes thinking back to when they went on the date before David knew he was moving.

David was trying to be happy, but couldn't be. He forced a smile and thought, "I'll come back for you, Joshua."

4. They Don't Know About Us by One Direction


Rolling his eyes, David grabbed his boyfriend's hand. "So, how did last night go?"

Joshua gripped David's hand slightly harder. "Um, they were pretty accepting. They were more concerned about your reputation."

David lifted an eyebrow. "My reputation?"

"Yeah. You know, how many girls you broke up with, and you're apparently a heartbreaker."

"Well I believe I have a good reason for that. Y'know, because, oh, I don't know, I'm gay. But, hey, whatever."

They both laughed. "Hey Joshua?"

"Yeah Dave?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

5. Perfect Two by Auburn


"Why not."

"Just please get off my back."

"Fine." David got off of his boyfriend's back.

"Thank you. Hey, I know something you don't." Joshua said grinning.

"What's that?"

"I love you."

"Well I know that. I love you too though."

"Wanna know what else I know?"


"I know what I'm going to ask next,"

"And what's that?"

Taking a deep breath, Joshua got on one knee. "I know I want to ask you to marry me. So, David Moss, will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, yes!"

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