Lel. Dork.

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A/N: There might be a few really short oneshots tonight. I'm not in a continuous plot mood, but I am in a writing mood. Yanno?

Prompt from otpprompts: Imagine your OTP has a child. Now imagine that Person A of your OTP is being a complete dork in an attempt to make the usually sarcastic child laugh. The child then looks at Person B just shaking their head and saying "You married a dork, did you know that?"

Ash and Joshua were sitting on the couch playing video games, while David sat in a recliner next to the couch.

Ash grinned. "Yes! Take a mine to the face!"

Joshua somehow maneuvered his character around the mine. "Ha! You know, a mine is a terrible thing to waste."

David sighed. "When are you going to stop beating that joke to death?"

"When it stops being funny."

Ash sighed. "Why are you still telling then."

"Burn!" David yelled. "And by your own daughter. That's a sad day for you."

"Meh. Still, I won!"

Ash rolled her eyes and gently shoved Joshua's arm. "Probably because you have no life!"

Joshua was laughing. "I've got plenty of lives! I'm a gamer!"

Ash sighed and turned to David. "You married a dork, did you know that?"

David smiled. "That's one of the many reasons I married him."

Joshua jokingly (attempted) to flutter his eyelashes. "Is one of them because I'm pretty?"

David just rolled his eyes and leaned over to kiss Joshua. Ash groaned. "Tone down the PDA!"

David smirked. "We've done more than kiss you know."

Ash covered her ears. "I don't need to hear it!"

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