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Prompt from otpprompts: Person A of your OTP picking up sleepy Person B and carrying them to bed and Person B just snuggles their face into Person A's shoulder

Joshua chuckled at the movie that was playing. The Smosh Summer Games had officially begun, and they were hanging out at the house. They were pretty much there about every other week, and it was pretty fun thus far. Tonight they were all going to have a giant sleepover so they could get a bunch of filming done.

David yawned as he rested his head on Joshua's shoulder. Joshua started at the sudden contact, but smiled when he looked over at David. He reached over and took David's hand.

David gently squeezed his hand, yawning again. Joshua bit his lip to suppress a few giggles, and kissed the top of David's head. David blushed, but curled up on the couch, still laying on Joshua.

Joshua shifted slightly to make the arrangement more comfortable for him. Noah glanced over at the two of them and grinned. David noticed and lazily flipped Noah off.

Joshua carefully pulled David into his arms and stood up. David tensed and clung to Joshua, burying his head in his shoulder. David smiled, gently kissing Joshua's neck. Joshua carried him to the bedroom they were sharing, and laid him on the bed. "I'll be in later. Get some sleep."

David sat up slightly to kiss him. "Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

A/N: Anybody have any help for pain caused by braces? If you do, please leave it in the comments. I will love you forever.

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