You're Safe Now

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Prompt from otpprompts: Person A is having a violent flashback to a traumatic event, and Person B has to comfort Person A.

TW: Abuse and Rape

Joshua sat on the couch, his legs held tight to his chest, and he was shivering. He was barely alert as images rushed through his head, barely enough time to process each one, but the memories continued to strike, each one worse than the last.

"J-Jason! Please stop!"

"Why? Can't take it?"

Joshua let out a choked sob as he was kicked over and over.
"No! St-stop!"

He couldn't see. His glasses were broken, and he'd been hit in the head multiple times.

Jason just laughed. "Oh wow. You're weaker than I thought."
Joshua winced and tears streamed down his face, but he'd learned to stay quiet. He shuddered as Jason moaned and called him horrible things. "You're a slut. You deserve this. You're pathetic and weak. Whore."

End Flashbacks

David stepped inside, holding a few bags. He turned around, and gasped quietly when he saw Joshua. "Jove..."

He reached out a hand, and placed it on Joshua's shoulder, but he flinched away, his eyes darting wildly.

David sat down next to him, and Joshua looked over at him, his head still reeling from the flashbacks. Tears were still making their way down his face as a quiet sob escaped his throat. David pulled him into his arms, and Joshua cried into his neck.

David soothingly rubbed his back. "Hey, hey. It's okay. What happened?"

Joshua sniffed. "I-I was thinking about- about him."

David wiped the tears off of Joshua's face. "He can't hurt you. I promise."

"I- I know. But it hurts. And I want it to stop."

David wanted to cry at Joshua's broken expression. "I know. I can't stop it. Not completely. But I'm right here. And I'm gonna do everything I can to protect you."

David took Joshua's arm, and gently kissed all the scars from when he'd been with Jason, then the other arm, and then gently kissed his cheek. "You didn't deserve anything he did to you."

Joshua shakily smiled. "I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too. I promise."

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