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Prompt from OTPPrompts: Imagine Person A is in the shower and they see an insect in the corner of the shower. They freak out and Person B has to somehow rescue poor A.

David was in the shower, humming quietly and scrubbing his hair. "Oh, shit!" he screamed suddenly.

He practically jumped backwards away from a spider. Suddenly, Joshua burst into the bathroom. "What's wrong?"


Joshua raised an eyebrow. "A spider?" he asked.

"Yes! Please kill it."

Joshua sighed, and grabbed a paper towel. He pushed the shower curtain and killed the spider. Throwing out the paper towel, he rolled his eyes. "Happy?"

David blushed. "Yeah. Thanks, babe."

Joshua chuckled. "Yeah, yeah."

A/N: It's so dang short. I just really wanted to write this because, um, reasons!

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