This Looks Way Different From What it is

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Prompt from otpdisaster: Person B taking secret dancing lessons to surprise Person A at their wedding. Person A spots Person B with their dance instructor and, as their heart breaks, thinks that Person B is cheating.

David smiled at the woman he was dancing with. "And then you move your left foot back and to the side. So when are you getting married?" Faith, the dance instructor he'd hired asked.

"In about a month. I'm really excited!"

Faith smiled at him. "I remember when I married my wife. It's one of the best days of someone's life. And I bet he'll be impressed by your dancing."

David gave a half chuckle. "That is why I hired you."

Faith continued to teach David slow dance moves, and some faster ones, when the door opened. Joshua's face fell and he dropped his bag. "What the fuck David! Does us getting married mean nothing to you?"

Joshua walked quickly to their shared bedroom, angrily wiping tears from his eyes.

Faith winced slightly. "Did I just fuck things up between you two?"

David patted her on the shoulder. "No. I should have told him. I mean considering the position and the fact that we were dancing... I'm going to talk to him. And Faith? Thanks for the lesson, there's money on the table."

David rushed down the hallway. "Joshua," he called. "Please let me in."

He heard footsteps approach the door, and the knob turned slowly. Joshua opened the door, his face covered in tears. "What."

"Joshua, I'm not cheating on you! That girl I was dancing with is married to a woman named Alex! That was Faith, she's a dance instructor. I was getting some lessons from her for our wedding. You know, because I'm total shit when it comes to slow dancing."

Joshua looked up. "Really?"

David cupped Joshua's cheek in his hand. "I would never cheat on you. I love you to death. And till then do us part."

He leaned up slowly, gently kissing the taller of the pair, who wrapped his arms around David's waist lovingly. When they pulled apart, Joshua smiled. "I'm sorry I suspected you of cheating."

David smiled back. "Hey, I would've thought the same thing."

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