Chapter 21

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~Madi's POV~ 

When we are finally done with everything to get ready for this date it is 6:45. I decide to leave my room and go find Lexi. We haven't really gotten a chance to hang out much since the guys got here. Which sort of sucks because we were really close before everyone got here and not we barely talk. I walk in to her room and I sit down on he bed beside her. "why are you all dressed up"? she asks me. "I am dressed up because I have a date with someone tonight" I say back. "really who"? She says. "Kian, he asked me out earlier today." I say blushing slightly. "oh okay, well he is very lucky to have a chace with you. It seems like you have a slight crush on him." She says. "why would you think that"? I ask her. "I think that because right after you said his name you blushed. I know you better that anyone else Madi" she says. "true". I say. I glance at my phone and I see that it is now 6:55 and I need to go back to my room and put the last touches o my outfit before Kian knocks on my door. "I have to go Lexi, but tomorrow we need to have a girls day. Just me and you, to catch up on each other." I say standing up, getting ready to leave the room. "okay and I have nothing for tomorrow so that sounds like a plan." She says as I walk out of the door. I walk fast in to my bedroom that I share with some of the girls to put the finishing touches on my outit and apperance. Once I a finished I pull out my phone to check my notifications. I have no new notifiations so I put my phone up. As soon as I tuck my phone in my pocket I hear a faint knock on the door. I open the door and standing there is a kian. He looks hot as fuck right now. (His hair is brown in this fanfiction for right now) I stand up and we walk to the car. As soon as he turns on the radio one of mine and Kian's favorite songs stats playing. We start to sing along. When I say sing along I mean scream the words at the loudest volume possible. "I'M IN TROUBLE, I'M AN ATTICT. iM ADDICTED TO THIS GIRL, SHE GOT MY HEART TIED IN A KNOT AND MY STOMCH IN A WHIRL" We start 'singing'. When the song finishes we pull up in to a hair salon. "kian, what are we doing here"? I ask him getting excited. We get of the car and I realize that on the shelves are bottles of hair products but they have written on them "Madi, will you be my girlfriend?" I turn around to see kian standing behind me with a box. He then speaks up and says "Madi, we have gotten really close these past few weeks. I love hanging out with you and I am wondering if you wil do me the honor of being my girlfriend? He asks me. I jump in his arms and I whisper in his ear "yes". He looks so overjoyed that he could cry and that is saying something for Kian. "do you want to get our hair dyed the same colors? He asks me. he knows that I have always wanted to dye my hair to weird colors. "lets go, I would love to have my hair the same colors as you." We go sit in the chairs and waited for the hair stylsts to get there. They come over to us and say "what colors would you like to dye your hair?" I look over at Kian and we decide to both dye our hair Teal blue and Green. When we are done it looks amazing. We pay and leave the hair salon. As Kian is driving to the next location he reaches over and grabs my hand with his right hand. It was so cute because he looked nervous to do it. I blush as soon as he grbs my hand and laces his fingers with mine. Soon enough we pull up to a Chick Fil A. He knows this is my favorite restuaurant because we would come down here and he would listen to me while I drounded my sorrows in their amazing ice cream. After we finsh eating Kian takes me to this place that he knows that I love. It is called Frozen Fair. It is a weird name but it is not what you would think. It is a sundae bar, and a self serve frozen yougurt place. They also sell all of the food that you can buy at a fair like frozen lemonade, funnel cakes and cotton candy. This is me and kian's favorite place. if we didnt go to Chick Fil A we would come here and talk about the randomist shit ever. I love hanging out with him and talking about random things. We have the same taste in music so we never argue over a specific radio station because the one that we both like is an alternative station. After we leave there we decide to head home because it is getting late. Before I know it we are pulling in to my  dad's garage. We pull in and we are about to walk in to the house but Kian grabs my arm. "I had a lot of fun tonight." Kian says "Me too, this date couldn't get any better." all of a sudden Kian grabs me and places his soft lips against mine. This kiss is nothing that I have ever shared with Matt. This one is full on passion and love. We slowly pull away and open our eyes. "I stand corrected." I say back with the biggest smile on my face. He looks at me while biting is lip and I don't know what came over me but I could not resist the urge to kiss him again. I pull his face down to mine as I try and stand up on the tips of my toes to reach his face. I pull away abruptly because I accidently pressed the doorbell while we were kissing. He looks at me in alarm and the we start busting out laughing. We walk inside to be faced with all of the boys and girls staring at us through the window with shocked faces. It was quite funny actually. Seeing them all shock was hilarious. Me and Kian just laughed even louder as we pushed past them and went in to the living room. Kian layed down on the couch I went and cuddled with him. We started the movie Blended with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in it and soon enough I was pulled in to the dark power that is sleep inside my boyfriend's arms.


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