Chapter 8

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~Madi's POV~

I wake up, go downstairs and see that no one is here. i whisper to myself " that's unusual". usually when my dad goes somewhere he leaves a note for Lexi and I. I look around the house and i dont see a note anywhere. I go back upstairs and I see that Lexi is here as well. I take a look to see if anyone texted me to say where they wee going. Nothing. I looked at all of my messages and calls and there is nothing. Nothing to tell me where they went. I decide the go to Lexi's room to see if they said anything. I look on her phone and I see that Shawn had texted her. Being the snoop that I am and I started to read the conversation all the way to when he first gave Lexi his number. I read through it and I was so startled to see what he texted her. Apperently they have been dating since two months ago before my dad even knew who he was going to invite in the tour. She told me that we never kept secrets from each other and yet she has the nerve to go and secretly have a relationship behind my back for 2 months and never tell anyone. Who knows what else she lied about. What about her old ex-boyfriend that she had an off and on relationship with. I bet she stopped gong out with him a long time ago but never told me that they were officially done. Then she knew that I watched Shawn's vines and didnt tell me about her dating him. I was so angry at her. I was beyond pissed off. But I now had a plan to have her confess that she was dating Shawn this whole time. My idea is perfect. It is made up of three words. Truth Or Dare.

~Lexi's POV~ I wake up and see that everyone left. I walk in to Madi's room and I see that she is still here but she is getting ready for the day. I walk in to her bathroom and see her fully clothed and is putting on her make- up. " hey, do you want to go shopping"? I ask her. " sure, I could use a few nice outfits" She says. " do you want to go at 1:30"? i ask her. "sure, but i would get ready if I were you, because it is already 12:30" She says. I say ok and get in to the shower to start getting ready to go shopping. I get out and get ready and by the time I am fully dressed and have make-up on it is already 1:15. I decide that I have enough time to start writing my first fan- ficton. The saddest thing is that the fan- fiction I am writing is about Shawn. We have been dating for 2 months but the sad thing is that I have to pretend that I just met him yesterday and like I have not ben dating him for 2 months. I feel really bad about keeping this big secret from Madi but I know that Shawn is one of Madi's favorite viners, and if she knew she would die and I can't let that happen to myself. Hopefully she doesn't find out anytime soon because if she did she would be so beyond pissed at me for keeping this a secret from her, and I would always make a huge deal about it if she kept a secret from me. She was the first person that I told about my pregnancy a few years ago. I knew I could and still can trust her. She has always been there for me and if she finds out that I kept something from her she would probably not talk to me for a few days. Trust me I know my bestfriend. Once in 7th grade I stole her french fry and she didn't talk to me for 2 days. It was only 1 french fry. Trust me, she has a short temper. I dont know what I would do if she found out. I check the clock and it is 1:30. I go to Madi's room and I get a text message. It is from Madi. It says " I am in the car, hurry up". She knows me so well. This is why I love my bestfriend. I get in the car and she already has 5sos playing. They are my favorite band ever. She asks something that I thought she knew. " would you tell me everything and keep no secrets from me"? I say "You know how I feel about keeping secrets, why would I"? I start to wonder if she knows about me and Shawn. Once I finish my sentence she looks slighlty unsure but soon is back to smiling and singing along to 5sos. " can we go to panera first"? I ask her. she says "duh, don't we always go eat at Panera before we go shopping"? "true, true" I say to try and cover up my mistake.

~Skipping To Back Home~

~Madi's POV~We finally get done with shopping and we get back home. We unload all of our stuff and we go inside to find that everyone is back home. I go take Matt and we go to my room so that I can tell him the plan to get Lexi to confess. We go through the plan a few times and soon we both know what to do. We go back downstairs to see that everyone is bored out of their minds. So I speak up ans say "who wants to play truth or dare"? everyone agrees and soon the game has started. "Truth or dare Shawn". I say. "um, Dare" He says. " I dare you to confess your undying love for a girl in this room". I said. This is the first step to my plan. No matter what girl he picks I will get some kind of results. "ok, Lexi I have always loved you. I will love you untill the day I die". He says. So I say "Shawn, that sounded a little believable, you must be a really good actor or actually like her more than a friend".He says something next that suprises me " I'm just a really good boyfriend." "what"? I say. This was most definantly not in my plan. Everyone goes dead silent and I hear Shawn mumble "shit". I look at Lexi and she runs out of the room. I stand up and run after her. I look at her and ask her " how long"? she looks shocked at my question but she has no clue that I actually know the answer. " Two months". I try to be upset wiht her for keeping this a secret but i can't help but to forgive her becuase I know that she truly feels bad for hiding a secret from me for two months. So I say " I forgive you, I was mad at first but i know that you feel bad for keeping it a secret from me". I say honestly. We get up and walk back in to the house and sadly our game of truth or dare is finished. We all settle down and watch some of my favorite actor's movies. We watched we pronounce you chuck and larry, billy madison, happy gilmore and both of the Grown Ups movies. If you haven't guessed it yet my favorite actor is Adam Sandler. By thetime we finish up the movies it is 3 in the morning and we are all tired. We go to our rooms and get ready for bed. I drift away dreaming about Matthew.

~AN~ thank you all for the reads it means so much to me!!! Love you all! You are welcome for the long chapter

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