Chapter 5

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~Madi's POV~
I wake up suddenly as Jack J is shaking me and telling me to wake up so that he can get out. I look around and try to find the list I made before I fell asleep but I can't find it anywhere. I panicked and looked in between the seats, underneath the seats and everywhere in the car and then I realized someone had put it in my pocket. I don't recall putting it in my pocket but whatever at least if it was in my pocket no one could have read it. I look at the beautiful ocean shore calling my name and I see the gorgeous landscape and the amazing wild life ( haha get it like Jack and Jack's song😂😂no okay) that it has. I meet up with the rest of the group and I see that all of the guys have taken off their shirts. I couldn't help but stare. I was not used to seeing abs all day because that would be weird if my dad had abs😁😳.YIKES! I think that I stared a little to much because all of a sudden Jack ( That so Jack) sneaks up behind me and whispers in my ear "Do you like what you see babe"? I jump a little and almost pee myself because it scared me so much. Me and the rest of the girls get ready to tan while all of the guys are goofing off like usual. After maybe 20 seconds we were each picked up by one or the guys and thrown in the water while all the girls were screaming at the guys to put them down while the boys were almost rolling on the ground from laughing so much. I never noticed who grabbed me. But he had to be really strong and have a nice six pack because that is all I got to notice before my body hit the freezing cold almost Arctic ( I don't know how to spell Arctic) water.

~Taylor's POV~
I was volunteered to pick up Madi and damn she was light. You would have thought that this girl ate nothing on a daily basis. Hopefully she eats. I don't want her going through the same thing that I went through. Yep that's right I was anorexic when I was 15. I was anorexic because I was obsessed with my body image. Back then everyone was over over thinking about how they looked. So I worked out for at least 2 hours a day and ate 1 small thing a day. Then my mom found out and took me to a hospital where they fixed everything. Most people don't know this but I was also bullied when I was younger so I had plenty of problems to deal with already. Luckily no one else knows about that except for my parents. But I don't intend on telling anyone else until I feel that it would be completely nessesary.

~Madi's POV~
I swim back to the shore and dry off and tan some more when I find a person blocking my sunlight. The person says to me " I thought you were in the water?" " I got out" I say to them. He suddenly says something that surprises me. He asks " can we go for a walk to the beach"? It kind of threw me off but I said yes anyways because I wanted to see who this mystery person was. I get up and see that this person was on my list of people that I thought was cute. The one and only Matthew Espinosa. We get walking and we stop to look at the sunset and he turns to me and says " I know we have only known each other for a short amount of time but I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend"? My mouth drops open in shock. I look at him in disbelief. I can't believe that anyone would ask me out. I suddenly find myself thinking about something for so long that when I finally snapped out of it Matt was gone. I make up my mind and run up to him and say one word.....

AN- Thanks for all the support I think I might be doing a girlfriend page to get girlfriends for the guys so keep reading!! Thanks for reading.

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