Chapter 7

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~ Bart's POV~

We finally arive at my house after 45 minutes of silence because of how akward it was to know that many people liked the same girl. I see lexi as my own daughter and i know her previous strugles and i dont want her to get in to any relationships because she tens to rush things and go alittle too far too fast. I just hope that if she decides to date someone here, that she picks a boy who will not rush things and treat her like a princess. I am a little mad that Madi did not tell me that she was dating Matt but I guess it will be okay because they just started. Hopefuly Lexi ends up with Shawn. Madi ends up with Jack G. I am going to give them personal advice to help them win their girls over. But not in a way that makes the girls cheat on their boyfriends or an otherrisky behavior that coud bring disgrace to the family name. i know that Lexi is not my real daughter but her parents disowned her so she came here. I am thinking about asking her about switching her last name to Bordeleon instead of Powell and become my real daughter.

~Matt's POV~

Telling Bart that I was dating Madi was hard because I knew that they were close and that we had only met this morning and I had only met Bart this morning and I was already in a relationship with his daughter. Wefinally get to our house and Bart is giving me the recponcibility to wake up Madi.That should be easy but she looks so peaceful sleeping. I wonder if Bart trusts me yet. That is probably why he sent me to wake up Madi. He wants to see if I will complete this task like a true gentleman. So I have to think of the most gentleman like way to wake her up. I got it!!!!! in the romantic movies that my mom watches if the lady was sleeping the gentleman would carry her up to her room, bridal style. So that is exactly what i did. Bart sent Shawn to get Lexi so we decided on doing the ame thing so that we could both look like great gentleman. I pick her up and Taylor was telling me about how earlier when he got picked to throw madi in the water that she was really light and that he didnt know if she ate or not. I picked her up and he was right, she was suprisingly light. I will stop by Bart's room later to ask if she ever had anrexia ( a eating disorder) or if she just had a fast motabolism.


~still Matt's POV~

I think that it is time to ask Bart about Madi. I really care for her and I dont want him to think that I am going to be rude or if she does suffer from anorexia, that i would tell all of her secrets to the guys. I slowly walk up to his bedroom door and knock. At this point i am beyond shaking from fear. This is worse than eating pickles. ( Matt hates pickles). He comes to the door,he opens it and says this " what do you want"? " I would like to know if Madi has ever had an eating disorder or if she just has a fast motabiliam because she is really light. Me and Taylor and both picked her up and we are both worried about her". I say. He looks at me and tells me to sit down. I sit ans he says something that I was scared that I woud hear. " She used to have anorexia because after her mom died, she had gotten very depressed. Madi and her mom were so close and did so much together that you would have thought that someone had cloned her mom. When she died Madi fell in to a deep depression and started to get bullid at school for being fat and ugly. I tried to convince her that it was not true. Even Lexi tried. But nothing worked. One day she started to starve herself and soon became extremely underweight. One day I came home from my old job and I foundher in the room lying on the floor passed out from under eating. I rushed her to the hospital and they gave her food and she soon became healthy.That was 2 years ago. She will now eat 3 meals a day with me and Lexi. So I believe that since she has been healthy that she has a fast motabilism. But i would closely watch her eat and make sure that she is eating good, to make sure that she does not fall back in to that unhealthy path of under eating again." he said those words and I felt like my heart had shattered in to a miilion pieces. By the time that he was finished I was crying my eyes out. I had never cried this much for anyone. Exept for my dog. Dont judge I love that dog. I felt crushed inside for Madi and I hoped that she would never do anything to hurt herself again. I made a promise to myself when I left that room. It was that no matter hat happens, I will be loyal, honest, and a complete gentleman to her and that me and the boys will be the best thing that ever happened to her. The first and only person that I needed to tell was Taylor because we were the only ones who noticed how light she was. I tell hm the story andy the end of it we are both in tears. We went upstairs to the room that Madi was sharing with some other girls and all of the girls were in there. Luckily Madi was awake. I ran up to her and I hugged her like I was never going to see her again. All of the girls looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't care, as long as my beautiful, stunning and amzing girlfriend was ok I was going to squeeze her to almost death. I just noticed how much I love her and it is only the first day I met her. I dont know what I would do if she ever left me.

~Bart's POV~

I guess I misjudged Matt, He really does love my daughter and he passed the gentleman test, so I think that he will bean amazing boyfriend to my daughter. I aprove this boyfriend. I thought it would be Jack G all along but boy was I wrong. He really cares about her health and her being ok.

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