Chapter 8

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I woke up in my cabin on the bed. It was dark outside and there was one figure standing next to my bed. I grimes which got his attention. "Hey how are you feeling," he asked me. "Fine my arm hurts," I said stupidly. "YA well you did get you arm hit with a knife," he said laughing a little. "What happened and who are you," I asked trying to sit up. "I'm Carl and don't worry I just looked after you. Swayer came in a few times and so did Pan but they are not here now," he said. "Oh, what happened," I asked again. "Well after you blacked out we all helped you to your hut and we got you bandaged up. Then we are planing the punishment for Nick the boy who hurt you today," he answered. I looked at my arm. The upper half was all bandaged up and had a little blood seeping through. "What punishment," I asked. "I guess we will find out later today," he said. I was scared. I mean I was mad at Nick for doing this and I had no idea why he did it. But I don't want anyone to get hurt. I wondered about what kind of punishments Pan gives out. "Do you know why he did this," I asked. " I think it's because your a girl. He never liked them trying to make the group. He was the one to break them down. But so far your not losing," he said smiling. "Oh," was all I could say. What a jerk I don't want to be his friend. I tried to get out of bed but Carl made me lay back down. "Rest for the day your not going to be much use until that arm is better. But call me if you need anything," he said. "Thanks," I said quietly then he left. I was alone in the dork for several house when I heard boys. Some screaming some chanting I wanted to know what was going on. I went outside looking around holding my arm. I ran in the dieter ion of the noise and saw something horrifying. It was Nick tied to a tree and some huge dude was hitting him in the face. His face was almost so bloody you could not see his nose. I stood there frozen in fear. "Oh look who decided to join the party," said Pan. "Well come on don't be shy how about we give you a shot," he said smirking. I was pushed into the center of the circle they made and all eyes are on me. "Well go on," one of them shouted. "No! I'm not hurting anyone!," I yelled "do it now," Pan said. "No! This is sick stop right now!," I still yelled. "Either you hit him or you put him out of his misery," said Pan. He handed me a bow and arrow to shot. Just one shot and I could end it all or I could hit him and let him suffer. "Do it," Pan whispered in my ear. "No," I whispered back. "Your choice but you have to pick," he said then backed away. I did not know what to do. I can't kill someone but I can't let them go through this. I lifted and aimed the arrow. I stared at Nick for what felt like years. The last thing I heard was Nick whisper "please," then I shot the arrow.

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