Chapter 18

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I was sad. The next day I was sad. It felt every step I took I was more sad. I don't know I just went through the motions. Not caring what I actually do. What's the point I can't do anything hear. With pan watching my every move. All I can do is wait. Till my fait comes either good or bad I don't care. We have all been practicing more with our weapons. Me and Carl would exchange glances but not talk only if we had to. I could tell people were nervous like the attack might come soon. I don't care if I die then I won't have to stay here. One day. That day. The day. Where life got even worse. The day. It was early afternoon and we all trained. The sun beating down on us making me sweat. We where training just throwing things at boards or fighting each other. We heard them coming. The people. The bad people who came. Firing bow and throwing knifes. They came out from every where. They started swinging swards at each other. It all happened to fast. The screaming the blood I couldn't move. Not until I saw one coming at me. A boy maybe a little older with brown hair and blue Evers charging at me. I panicked so I grabbed my bow and shot him. In the chest. He fell down dead. I was even more petrified the second person I killed. More blood more screaming. Then it hit me. I have to fight I have no choice. This is the life I live now I can't change it. But I can change who dies. It's either sit around and wish to die or make I difference and fight. More blood more screaming. It was all so clear I understood why they needed me. They needed me to fight. I graves another bow. I shot and shot and kept shooting. Every boy I saw. Another thing they were all boys. But it don't matter I kept shooting. "Back to the camp," I heard someone scream. All the lost boys ran back in that direction. So I did too. Once we all got there no more fighting the other people left. From the boys we had left only 9 so we had lost 6 boys in that fight. So all together we only had 11 people left to fight. I wonder how many people I killed. I wonder if they might attack again. It's okay I'm prepared. I understand now and i have learned to exempt that. I'm ready.

Sorry I was REALLY busy and I have PSSA this week. Sorry

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