Chapter 9

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I dropped the bow. I just killed someone. I ended someone's life. I just started at Nicks limp body. Not moving not breathing. I could not think clearly. So I just ran. I ran off and did not look back I ran and ran till my legs hurt. I kept going to who knows we're I did not care what happened I wanted to get away. Thanks jerk Pan forced me to kill him. Nick whispering please kept running through my mind. I kept running. In the woods they were so dark. I could see nothing. I don't care I just killed someone. I am literally speechless with my self. I ran and ran and ran. My legs hurt my lungs burned. I wanted to stop and die right there but I kept going. My heart pounded and a million things were going through my mind. But I still kept running. Then I tripped and feel into a beach. I slip scraping my arm and laded on my back. I was breathing so hard. Then I let it all out. I cried and cried with tears streaming down my face. I screamed and pounded the sand and screamed. And cried till I could not longer cry then I laid there and feel asleep only for a short time. Not dreaming just thinking about everything. Still wanting to scream and cry and wanting to take everything back. When I opened my eyes to my surprise I saw someone looking back down at me. Pan.

Sorry thing is so short. I'll be on vacation so I don't know when I will post next. I'll try. Please like read and vote. I need feedback.

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