Chapter 7

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After Pan had found me I was tied to a tree as all the lost boys and Pan whisper amongst themselves as I stood there awkwardly. "Well I think I have come to the conclusion that we know the punishment," he said walking towards me. "What," I said rudely. He didn't say anything but just walked over and untied me. I rubbed my arms that were red from the ropes and stood there. "What you going to do is stand there perfectly still and my best shooters will take a shot at you," he said walking away. "Let's see Felix, Jack, Swayer, Thomas, and of coarse me will all take one shot at you," he said and lined up the boys. "What that's crazy you'll kill me," I yelled. "Not if you hold still enough," he said. First was Jack. He had a knife a small but still sharp one. If it hit me from that distance and at the right spot it could kill me slow and painfully. He threw it and it landed about 7 inches above me head. Then I though this was my chance to stand up for myself. To show them I'm not just a scared little girl. "Ha is that the best you can do weak," he said laughing. I regretted it when I saw who was up next it was Felix. He had the same kind of kings and then it. It was close almost to close to my right arm. So close I felt the wind. I was holding my self so close together I thought I would explode. Next was Thomas. His knife went really close to my left leg. Again I could feel the wind. Next was Swayer the same boy who talked to me the other night. He was sweet or at least seemed it. When he went to take the shoot he almost seemed sorry to throw it at me. But he did and it landed close but not to close to my left side close to my rib cage. At last but not least was Peter. I had a wild smirk on his face and threw the knife. It landed close to my head in fact it scratched my head ever so lightly. I felt it and it was bleeding a little. Well at least it's over. "Oh wait one more thing who would like to take a free shot," he asked the boys. What a free shot and extra throw to kill me. He gave the knife to one boy.i remembered him he was the one that kept fining me evil looks. He went up and stood close to me. "You think your so funny saying that like you actually have a shot of staying. Your to weak justice the rest," he said then walked away. "Let's see how you handle this," he said and before I could react he threw the knife hard. And right into my right arm. I feel to the ground. Blood rushing down my arm. I was fading in and out of consciousness. I held my arm but it was bleeding so fast. The last thing I saw was three boys helping me. Swayer, Peter and one other I did not know them I blacked out.

Sorry for updating so late again. I'll try harder. Please give me feedback I need to know if you like it.
Ily- Michaela😬

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