Chapter 16

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We all went in our cabins. I went in and was actually pretty tired from everything I did that day. I crawled into bed and pulled up the covers. It was nice. I was almost asleep when o heard something out side. I looked out the small window I had. It was Carl. I got up and went out to him. "What are you doing here," I asked him. "I need to show you something," he said. He took my hand and lead me towards the forest. I mean he could lead me and rape me then kill me but I think I can trust him. He can over a cliff. It was beautiful you could see everything from up here. "Whoa," I gasped out loud. "Yea it's pretty cool," he said. "But that's not the only thing I came to show you," he said he lead me to a. Tree close by with a note on it. I read it out loud. "See you have got a new girl dearie. Can't wait to meet her," that's what the note said n"what does that mean," I asked getting really scared. "I'm not sure but Pans not to happy about it," he said. I was so scared now. That's like a direct threat. To me! I really wish I could leave this place now. "What started this whole war thing anyway," I asked. "Come sit I'll tell you it's long and confusing," he said. So we sat over the ledge of the cliff our feet hanging over the side. He explained to me that it was more of this guy and Pan having a personal problem with each other. They really didn't like each other I guess. So he has a army and so do we. And we will be fighting agents these people. All because Pans a big baby. "Wow it's Pan just perfect," I said. Carl laughed a little. "Well we protects us and is loyal. Plus anything is better then home," he said that last part quieter. I was taking a big step here. "Why don't you like home," I asked. He paused but said. "Well my mom died in a car crash when I was younger. That made my dad die inside. He drowned out his problems with drugs. Every night he came home drunk. I had no real parents and I was an only child. After a while he started abusing me. Hitting and punching and kicking me. Calling me names and yelling. I hated him I ran away but he would always catch me. Then beat me more. He could barely pay the bills or even feed me. I hated him and I still do. That's why I feel unloved." He said. By the end of his story he was in tears. "Oh Carl so so sorry," I said. Then I hugged him. He hugged back. We stayed like that awhile. We both pulled back and stared into each other eyes. I got to admire how beautiful they were. They were blue and I could stare all day. But then we kissed. It was sweet and I felt like I was going to melt. "Well aren't we having fun," I heard someone say. It was Pan. Oh crap.

Shits about to go down. Sorry updated late again.

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