Chapter 32

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I was running in the woods it was dark so I hard no idea were I was going. But I was so upset that I did before I thought. Sawyer is dead. No how i can't believe this. I was running past sticks scratching at me reaching to pull me into darkness. I heard a twig snap and I whipped around still running I don't see anything so I turned back around. But I slammed right into a tree I fell back I looked up my sight a little fuzzy. It essentially a tree it was a person. He helped me up and I could see his face more clearly now it was Peter. "What are you doing. I I can't go off in the night like that," he said holding me still. I couldn't speak I was out of breath and still in half shock. He held onto my body almost like he was hugging me. "Hold on," he said then before I could talk he used his magic to poof us back to camp. It made my head hurt so I fell over. "Are you okay," Pan said helping me up. "How do you do that all the time," I asked rubbing my head. He helped me back to my cabin and helped my in my bed. "Why did you do that your not allowed," he said. "He died," I said shakily. "Who," he asked pushing hair out of my face. "Sawyer," I said my voice cracking. He sighed. "Well people are going to die we can't prevent it," he said. This made me mad. He was my friend he was my first friend here. I can't believe he would say that. "It's all your fault if you wildest do this to us everyone would be alive," I said slightly pushing him off the bad. It's true he's so selfish all he cares about is himself. He stood up looked at me in a black stare then left. I turned over and started to cry. Soon I herd the door open. "Go away," screamed louder then I wanted to. "It's Carl," he said. I looked over and saw him standing there. I sat up and he slowly went over and sat next to me. A long pause then I hugged him and he hugged back. I just needed someone who could understand. But I don't think I had anyone.

Sorry I updated a day late.

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