Chapter 2

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I blacked out the last thing I remember was that black shadow in my room. I woke up with a my head hurting and in a cage. I sat up and looked around at at least 15 boys all looking at me. One boy with brown hair and green eyes came over to me. "Where are I," I shouted. He laughed "shouting is not going to get you any answers," he spoke with a British ascent. "Where am I," I said hitting the cage bars getting angry. "Why your in never land," the boy said. "What that's impossible it's just a fairy tale," I said. "Oh no it's real," the boy said. Okay he must be on drugs. "What's your name," I asked. "Peter, Peter Pan" he said with a smirk. "Okay your insane it's just a made up little kids book I'm calling the police," I said. "Oh they can't help you here," Peter said. "Okay listen if you want me to let you out of im this cage you have to listen. No running away its to dangerous," he said. "How," I asked. "Not important. Any way always listen to me or you will be in trouble. Always do what I say or you will be in trouble" he said. I rolled my eyes. Who does this kid think he is the president. "Over there is our camp were you will be staying and training with the rest of the boys," he said. "Training for what," I asked. "Not important," he replied. "Now do you want me to let you out," he asked me. I nodded and he unlocked it and let me out. I got out and looked around. It was beautiful. Green tall trees and other beautiful plats. A water fall with clear sparkling water. Clear blue sky was almost magical. "These are my lost boys. Felix and Dane are second in charge but mostly me," Peter said. Felix was tall and muscular with long blond hair and a scar on his face. Dane was not as tall but muscular with short brown hair. "Now would you like me to show you around," Peter asked holding out a hand for me.

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