Chapter 44

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Before I knew anything I was running to the scream. It was coming from the medical house and it sounded like a girl. I ran in and saw Wendy with her eyes wide looking like she just saw a ghost. She pointed to the bed and I saw it. Something horrify. It was Issac but he was dead. I slowly walked over to him and felt a tear run down my face. I heard Peter walk in. "He was sick too sick to live. He choked on his own blood." I said my voice shaking as another tear run down my face. I walked over and sad the blood splatters around his mouth. How did this happen why. Then I saw a note by the side of the bed. It was written in bad hand writing and had blood drops on it.
You shouldn't have taken me in. Hook gave me a horrible sickness. It spreads easily and he made me come to you to kill you off with the sickness. Everyone who came in touch will have the sickness. Either you die of almost die. It's horrible in not gonna make it but i know gonna be the one to kill all of you. Pleas stay away.
Thanks for being my friend.
More tears ran down my face. He was the one I told my darkest secret to. I felt Pan reason behind me. "You knew him?" Pan asked. I nodded unable to talk. But then it hit me. "The sickness. We are all infected." I said the I thought of Thomas. I ran to his tent to find his sleeping. Soon we will all be like Isaac or close to it. "We are all infected." I said out loud even though no one was listening.

Sorry this is really bad.

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