Chapter 42

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"We Let's go back," I said pulling away from her. We all walked away back to camp. We all sat around the small fire eating very little for the past few days was starting to get to us. We barely have any more supplies left. "We need to go hunting today." Thomas said out loud. Everyone nodded i know agreement. "Okay everyone go off I have some business to take care of." Peter said. I wondered what it was but with him I probably didn't want to know. I went with Thomas And Carl. Wendy also tagged along but she wouldn't shot anything. We actually did pretty good. Two squirrels and even a beaver thing. It started getting dark so we decided to go back. As we were walking we heard footsteps. We all ducked and I had a bow ready to aim and shot at anything. Soon I saw a person stumble for ward. He was all bloody and having trouble walking. Thomas was about to shot him when I finally realized who it was. "Stop!" I shouted. It was Isaac. I ran over to him and he feel down. I ran to his side and held him. "What happened." I asked. He started mumbling but I couldn't understand him. His face was bloody and he looked very sick. "What are you doing?" I heard Carl yell. "Please help him back to camp." I said to them. They slowly walked forward and looked at him. They helped him up and we slowly made our way back to camp. The whole way he was mumbling some unreadable words. We got there and I got him into the medical house fast. I cleaned him up and soon Ge feel asleep. I was slowly and gently rubbing away some blood from his face. But I was interrupted by violent coughing.

Please give me feedback I feel like no one likes my book.

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