Zat Lame Joke (Chapter 11)

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The door slammed open, you see a purple man at the door way, oh no they got him. You couldn't see if anyone was there except for Vincent. So it's either he came here by himself or he got captured too. You shifted your body to another angle to see if anyone else was there. Oh his by himself! Chica stood up and asked, "A-Are you (Y/N)'s friend?" Vincent paused for a second to think as asked suspiciously, "Yes...and how do you know?" He narrowed his eyes at Chica but she remained silent, Foxy is just trying to blend in while listening. You crawled out of the table and stood up behind him. Vincent turned around to look at you, his glare turned to a I-so-glad-your-okay look, he said, "I'm so glad your alive!" He hugged you and your cheeks turned red. You let go and said, "They are not going to hurt us, don't worry." Foxy stood up and said, "Kiddo ye better run while Goldie ain't here mate!" You and Vincent thanked Chica and Foxy and hurried out, you found out that you were in the parts and service room (where they captured you). You and Vincent quickly sprinted to the office and you were holding his hand. Luckily we had not seen Golden. You thought to yourself. "Are you alright?" Vincent asked while we entered the office. "I-I'm fine." you answered still blushing. "How did you know I was here?" you questioned. "Oh, simple. Just search for every room and also this was the third room that I decided to search at. "What was the first and second?" "Office then girls' toilet." You stared at him and he looked at you, "Hey at least I went in to just search for you then just looking outside the girls' toilet!" he said. You giggled and took his hand and he was blushing as he looked at you.
You: "Do you wanna play a game?"
Vincent: *grin on his face* "Yes~"
You: "Okay. What is your name?"
Vincent: "My name is Vincent, and you should have known that by now."
You: "And how do you spell it?"
Vincent: " V.I.N.C.E.N.T."
You: "That is wrong, you are 25% stupid, the answer is I.T."
Vincent: "B-But-"
You: "Okay carrying on," you raised your other hand and pointed a finger at his fore head but not touching it, "am I touching you?"
Vincent: "Nope." he had that grin on his face.
You: "That is wrong,"*giggle* "You are 50% stupid. I am touching you." you raised up your hand to show him that you were still holding his hand.
Vincent: " dare y-"
You: "Okay! Last and final question! What was my first question?"
Vincent: "Erm...'what was your name?' Right?"
You: "That is wrong. You are 75% stupid. The answer is 'Do you want to play a game?'" you started laughing like crazy of what you did to him.
Vincent: "Nice one~"
You:"That's what you get for the skirt thing you did!"
Vincent: "Fine~"
After an awkward silence while thinking."
You: "Oh no! My shift! Vincent, what is the time?"
Vincent: *looks at his purple watch* "about 3.10am now."

You sighed at turned to the tablet on the table. You sat down and took the tablet, flicking through the cameras, while Vincent checked the lights. (Remember! This is the FNAF 1 map) So far you saw Bonnie at the hallway staring at the camera, Chica is at the kitchen, Freddy in the girls bathroom (ooooooh Freddy you perv...haha XD), and Foxy is just chillin' at his pirate cove. Vincent was sitting on the floor, waiting for you to tell him to close the doors. Both of you just waited for 6am to come.
Yassss finally done! Funny chapter ( cuz of my joke ) right? .-. I'm so lame. Wanna hear another joke? How did the Italian chef died?
He pasta away!
Mike: "Nice joke, Foxy." *sarcasm* *slow clapping*
Me: "Oh thank you Mikey! I'm so honored!" *sarcasm*
Mike: "Whatever." *rolls eyes*
Me: "Who wants confetti!? Mike, you want confetti?"
Mike: "No-"
Me: "Of course you want confetti, EVERYONE LOVES CONFETTI!" *throws confetti at Mike*
Mike: "You!" *chases Foxy around the pizzeria*
Me: *Mike manages to pin me down* "Oh hell no! Get off!"
Mike: "Make me~" *smirks at Foxy"

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