Polygraph eyes.

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A/N- this is a sad one but cute. I hope you are enjoying your day! requests are open! VOTE🖤

t/w- sexual assault/triggering topics

y/n pov:

"Dom please come pick me up." I cry into the phone once my best mate picks up.
"love whats wrong?" He questions with a worried voice.
"ill explain when i see you, just come pick me up from Zach's house please." I sniffle.
"i'm on me way."

Once he arrives i get in the his car looking pretty wrecked. "lets wait until we get home and you can explain everything okay?" Dom says and i nod wiping my eyes.

Soon enough we arrive at Dom's and go in. He sits me on the sofa and i immediately start explaining.
"so basically i went to this party last night with a jessie, and i got pretty drunk." i pause to take a breath. "And i remember this guy said he was gonna walk me home. W-well we went back to his and-" I cry.

"Love what did he do?" Dom asks gently.
"We hooked up or something. He knew i was drunk and he was clearly sober!" I stutter as a tear falls. Dom wraps his arm around me "oh love I'm so sorry." He says completely heart broken for me.

"Dom i couldn't even talk! I didn't want to go home with him." I cry quietly into his shoulder.
We pull away from the hug and Dom asks "have you told Zach?!"
"y-yeah and he started shouting and treating me like i was a slag!" I say.

Dom comforted me the rest of the night but i just felt like utter shit.

A few weeks has passed since the incident. There is nothing we can do about it so i'm trying to move on. Me and Zach broke up and ever since I've been staying at Dominics. 

"love i've got something to show you." Dom says as he walks over with a guitar.
"show me show me." I smile.
"I wrote this and i think your ready to hear it." He smiles softly. He strums his fingers and starts playing

(play the music if you want)

"She leaves her parents house around midnight
Meets her best mate at the shop buy some cheap wine
And go to space
See the Milky Way
Get away from the teenage everyday cliche pressure"

God he has the purist voice. I wonder what the songs about.

"Too many blokes are getting heavy
When a girl looks unsteady
Blisters on your bleeding soles
"Here have my boots, I'll walk you home"
He walks her straight up to the front door
As she stumbles on the floor
We all know what happens next
A bit of fun turns to regret"

Suddenly everything clicks. Is this about what happened? I'm speechless

"Leave it alone mate, she doesn't want to go home with ya
Home with ya, no
Leave it alone mate, she doesn't want to go home with ya"

He's describing what i felt perfectly. I cant help but get emotional as i recall the events from that night.

"Daylight wakes her up the next morning
A foreign room where the sheets are blue, and not white
No scented candles in sight
Just a stranger on his side
Says "Cheers love for last night"

I cant believe he wrote this.

"See this girl, she had a boyfriend
His name was Zach and he made her happy
But he couldn't understand
In his mind she was a slag
(A fucking slag!)
When she tried to explain what happened
She was shouting at him for an hour
Crying at the top her lungs
"Don't leave me here
You're the one I love"

A tear falls from my eye as i replay the morning after in my head.

"She can't even run
She can't even walk
She slurs when she speaks
But you hear what you want when she can't even talk"

Eventuality the song comes to an end and I give Dom a big hug as i cry. He really is the sweetest.

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