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A/N- Writing this for a friend :) hope this will make your cramps not as bad<\3🖤

Lana's pov:

"Hey my love." Doms smiles walking into the living room, kicking his shoes off to the side as he just got back from the studio.

"Hey." I struggle a smile.

Im curled up in a blanket and one of Dom's hoodies on the sofa. My period has been really bad today, my cramps are killing me.

"You alright?" Dom asks, walking over to me sitting on the coffee table.

"my stomach really hurts." I groan, hunching over.

"Cramps?" He asks reading my mind, i nod.

"Ive got just the thing." He smiles, picking me up bridal style and walking up the stairs.

We enter the bedroom and Dom places me on the bed gently. He walks over to his wardrobe and grabs out a pair of his boxers and his comfiest hoodie.

"Change into these, ill he back in a minute." He kisses my forehead and walks out.

I get changed and immediately feel more comfortable, the joggers i was wearing were putting pressure on my stomach. A couple minutes later Dom walks back into the bedroom, his hands full.

"For you." He smiles, placing down a cup of tea on my nightstand.

He gives me a hot water bottle and passes me some chocolate.

"Awh thank you love." I smile at his sweetness.

"anything for you Lana, love. Cuddles?" He asks, i nod eagerly.

He helps me under the covers and wraps his arm around me. I feel his hand gently rub over my stomach, soothingly. I feel the pain disappear, or maybe i am too caught up in his green eyes.

"i love you so much darling." He smiles, pecking my lips.

He honestly is the sweetest

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