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736 18 4

A/N- hey my loves. this is a request, hope you enjoy. 🖤

t/w- needles/blood test
plot: you go for a blood test but you have a fear of needles. Dom is the nurse and is there to comfort you.

Madisons pov:

I unwillingly walk into the intimidating looking hospital, I've never liked them. Ever since i was little i hated needles, and the whole hospital thing freaked me out. I walk up the the front desk and sign in, the lady at the desk tells me to take a seat and wait for my name to be called.
"madison for a blood test?" A northern accent calls out.
"thats me." I stand up reluctantly and follow the nurse, hot nurse i should say.

The red haired nurse leads my into a small room. "take a seat on the bed please love."
I do what he asks and hop into the bed. I think he can tell I'm nervous. He must think i'm pathetic.
"right this wont take long, I'm just going to place the needle into your arm and thats basically it, everything sound good?"
I nod.

He stands over me "could you please take off your jumper darlin?" he asks while he grabs all the things. Slowly i take it off.
"will it hurt?" i ask in a quiet voice.
"a little. But only for a second, and anyway, I'm ere' everything will be okay."

He gently takes my arm in his glove covered hand and ask if I'm ready. My arms are shaking and I'm jogging my leg nervously.
"aye you can do it Mads." he rubs my leg comfortingly. I nod and smile at the nickname.

I feel the needle go into my arm. "fuck i hate this." i say while i close my eyes shut.

"there all done. see not bad at all. ill even give ya a lolly pop." He smiles a cheeky grin.

"Thanks dr.Harrison." i smile lightly.
"call me Dom." he smiles as he passes me a red cherry flavoured lolly pop.

hope you enjoyed madison 🖤

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