panic attacks

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A/N- please leave your requests- any are welcome.

T/w - panic attack
plot: Dom is it preforming at his concert when he spirals into a panic attack.

Y/Ns pov:
I watch the energetic redhead bounce around stage, occasionally screaming something into the mic. Superdeadfriends blasts from the speakers loud enough for the whole of Doncaster to hear. The only thing louder than the music was the crowd. Each and every one of them screams at the top of their lungs. I can only imagine how loud it is from the stage as i am backstage.
Out of breath, Dom reaches for his water bottle and takes a sip. Hes been going crazy for about an hour now. The adrenaline and the atmosphere can get a bit much when your there in person. Not to mention that this is Doms second concert in one night. I'm so proud of him, the effort he puts in to every one of his concerts is unbelievable. He loves them all so much.

Doms pov:
Fookin' hell its hot in here. Every now and then a bright light will flash in my eyes and make this experience less fun. The crowd are absolutely metal as they mosh and scream. My hands begin to shake as the noise if the crowd gets louder.
fuck not now.
I try to shake the feeling off but i end up becoming more overwhelmed. Its all getting too much.

Y/Ns pov:

I can tell he's beginning to have a panic attack by the way his eyes dart around the room and his shaky hands. His eyes meet mine when he looks to the wings of the stage. I give him a reassuring smile and mouth 'you'll be fine, breathe'.
He shakes his head and starts to jog off stage into the wings. The crowd raise noise of concern.

I immediately run over to him "Dom love breathe. your okay."
"i-i its too much." he stutters. By this time other members of staff have came over.
"shh dom its alright." i lift the boys head up.
he drops his head into my chest and catches his breath.

eventually he calms down "y/n love can ya please come back on stage with me and explain what happened?" he jitters.
"of course ." hes still pretty shaken up

we walk on stage, my arm around his waist, and the crowd immediately pipes up. I press my finger to my lips to signal to the crowd to keep it down.
"guys im really sorry about that i had a bit of a panic attack and i had to get off stage. i love you all so fookin much. i love every fookin one of ya." he explains. The crowd is really understanding and the rest of the concert goes well.

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