Chapter Fifteen •Waterfalls•

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-Day Two of Walking to Alabama, Leaving First House-

~Maddies P.O.V.~

We've been walking for nearly three hours now, and every ones warn out, but we still have three more miles to go before the next house were staying at for the night comes into site.

"Does that make any sense?" Asked David as we all walked down a dirt and rode.

We were all talking about how the movies before the apocalypse were so weird, and rarely ever made sense. At the moment, David was trying to explain what happened in "Project Almanac", because none of us had managed to see it like he had.

"Nothing you ever say makes sense, David." Said Jonathan as we continued to walk.

We walked about another mile. All of the sudden, i began to hear a loud noise, which sounded like a large fan on full speed. As we continued to walk, it got louder and louder.

"Do you guys hear that?" I asked everyone as we all stopped for a second.

"It sounds like a a really loud computer." Said Lui with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah." A few of us agreed.

We continued walking in silence as the sound grew louder and louder. We soon began to hear the sound of frogs and bugs as we got closer to the fan-like sound. We walked for another ten minutes before arriving somewhere i hadn't noticed on the map.

"Whoa!" Mae said shocked.

"Its a river!" Said Tyler in excitement.

"Look! It even has a waterfall!" Cheered Scotty.

"Two!" Screamed Craig.

"Three!" Screamed Marcel.

"And look, over there is two caves!" I said pointing to where two giant caves sat vacant, one on each side of a waterfall.

"Okay, how about this. We all need a bath, so how about the girls take the waterfall over there, and us guys will take this one over there." Said Evan.

"We have to shower together!?" All the guys freaked as me and Mae giggled to each other like Japanese school girls.

"Come on, man! I didn't sign up for this!" Whined Jonathan as he stood uncomfortably.

"None of us did, man." Said Evan patting his shoulder. "We can take our time. Everyone have the mini shampoos, conditioners, and body washes we took from Pandas?"

I wonder why they call Anthony, Panda?

"Yeah." Said everyone.

"Good. Once were done, well meet on the ground next to the biggest waterfall over there where the two caves split, and go from there. Guys, no peeking at the girls!"

"Yeah! No peeking at my Mae!" Screamed Lui in his squeaker voice.

We all split up, and and Mae walking across the rocks, and down the river a little more to our waterfall, and the guys walked up a little more to theirs.

Me and Mae stripped down, and sense we had become so close this past two and a half weeks, we didn't mind seeing each other naked. We each took out our shampoos and things washing our bodies clean.

We all had one towel in our bags, and once we finished, we dried our self off before getting dressed. As we walked over to where the two caves sat, we eavesdropped on the boys conversation.

"You guys are so lucky!" Cried Marcel to Evan and Lui.

"Yeah! You guys have girls to bang, and we only have our hands to master-bate!" Whined Jonathan as they all laughed.

"Shh." Cried Evan as me and Mae joined them.

They all sat on rocks next to the waterfall, talking about random things until we got there. They were all so clean and nice smelling now, and they aren't covered in what zombie guts they had managed to get on them on the walk we've done so far today.

We were all in clean clothes, all looking as if we were waiting for a school bus to take us to school, we looked so perfect and prepared.

The guys finally stood up, and we all began the two mile journey to the next house.


-A Mile of Walking to the Next House Later-

"Incoming." Said Evan calmly as he pulled me behind his back, holding my left hand with his left hand.

Lui did the same to Mae as we walked closer and closer towards the group of about six walkers. Their stench made my eyes water, and they looked like something out of a horror movie.


Evan shot down two of them as Jonathan and Tyler took out the other four. Lui, Mae, and the rest of the guys looked around, making sure the gun shots didn't attract any more walkers as we continued to walk.

"So." Tyler began. "How was that make-out session between you two?"

He was looking at me and Evan. My cheeks turned red as Evan kept a straight face as he continued to watch around us just in case.

"It was good." I giggled.

"It would have been better if you hadn't of interrupted it." Said Evan harshly.

I grabbed on to his arm as he looked down at me as i gave him the puppy eyes to calm down. I could tell he was stressed because of having to walk such a far distance, especially on suck short notice.

I wonder how the old hotel is.

The reason were going to Alabama is because the huge packs of zombies, like what had hit the old hotel, have all moved North, or were in the process. And from what I've heard about the North, those people don't mess around, well, who are left.

They are prepared to end the zombie attack and apocalypse all together, and take out the rest of the living zombies.

I'm glad.

Finally, the world will be safer.



Sorry i didn't update yesterday! I'm gonna start updating every other day because of my school being a bitch, along with my crew doing YouTube.

I'm also about to start little jobs to begin the process of saving up for my gaming setup for my YouTube channel foe the future!

Sorry for the incovenice, i don't want anyone to be mad or hate me! I'm trying really! An dim also about to begin a sequel to another story, so i need to make room during the week for that!

I got a Tweet of mine liked by CaRtOoNz, and my best friend Jasmin was in Moos' new Q& A! Im so proud of her!!!! Goo Tweetie!

Thank you!


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