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It all begin with Park Jimin.

A niche story, one where they met in college and their love struck from there. Taehyung in the arts and Jimin in media. The two not only being incredibly intelligent men, but a great duo for their careers.

Park Jimin, is an omega.

Kim Taehyung, is an alpha.

Many criticized omegas even pursuing school, especially without marriage, because what career could they build on their own? Nobody would ever want an omegas product. It's distasteful.

It lacks work. Omegas are meant to be at home. They're not supposed to carry their own company. No, that's meant for their alpha spouse. They are who is meant to be the face of the company.

Which is why, in 1977, Park Jimin became Kim Jimin. Engaged and than fully married to Kim Taehyung. The two finally graduated together from college and focused on building their careers with their knowledge on arts and media.

Which is how KIM PRODUCTION came to be.

It bloomed in business from the very first day. Connections and marketing was key for success. What they specialized in was what surprised many people...photoshoots & model catalogs.

Yes, from KIM PRODUCTION, came all the magazine's around the city. The fuel to self hate and eating disorders. They even partnered with other companies to advertise their products with the help of attractive models.

That was what their company did, KIM PRODUCTION produced Self Haven, the popular magazines marketed to all omegas across the country- and it sold.

Kim Taehyung, even as a CEO, would book himself with models whenever he wanted to. He did study photography after all. He didn't need to, but when he really wanted to, he would.

Nowadays, he usually handled his business along his husband. He was the embodiment of success, right? Full education, a business, married and intelligent.

It was easier to say than believe.

Even successful people had issues. That issue being, marital.

Jimin is a gorgeous omega. One that Taehyung has photographed many times for his personal collection. He's petite, slim and is a dream. Any alpha would wish to have their hands on the omega. Any alpha.

Though, those pretty looks hid his unsolicited anger issues and deep depressions when he neared his heat and such, and even if casual, marriage always came with issues.

That fire, even if already burning the entire room, was fueled even more the lack presence of a pup in their home.

Jimin at first just didn't want to have a child- and Taehyung obeyed. They had the rest of their lives! They're married for a reason, it's until death does them part.

Then, Jimin agreed to begin trying. They did it time and time again, many times, Taehyung would lay in bed for hours, holding the omega to swallow his knot while his husband cries in pain.

Nothing ever came from these attempts.

It all started from innocently wanting a baby together. How did that ever begin to build spite between the two?

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