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Taehyung is used to waking up to a quiet house after an argument with Jimin.

He's used to finding the omega silently eating his breakfast with no intention to greet him. Taehyung already had his plan and would decide to tease Jimin into a corner after he places his dishes into the sink, apologize and kiss his cheeks and than his lips, while reminding the omega how much he loves him.

Yeah, that's their unwritten routine. Right?

Not today. Today, Taehyung walked downstairs and found Jimin chattering in the kitchen with a big smile as he poured syrup on the american breakfast Bora so gracefully prepared for him and his guest.

That guest being... Kim Namjoon.

If Taehyung was immature, he would've groaned when he saw that goddamn alpha. He felt his spit turn bitter into his mouth just looking at him.

Namjoon is one of Jimin's highschool sweethearts. Now, simply just his best friend. Either way, it bothered Taehyung when he thought about it.

Ever since Taehyung and Namjoon have met, they haven't liked eachother. Every gathering where they'd see eachother, that alpha seemed to dislike him a little bit more. Especially now, when he was finally caught by the alphas eye.

Jimin turns to his husband, gulping immediately. Namjoon waves, but you could tell he wasn't really excited to see Taehyung. He was probably told about the fight he had with the omega last night by the omega himself.

"What is this?" Taehyung asks, walking down as Bora bows to him. Jimin crossed his legs, looking at him. "I-Namjoon came by and ever so sweetly dropped off some pastries his mother made for me."

"Yes, even after all these years...she thinks of you." Namjoon says with a small smile.

Taehyung nods, rosen eyebrow. "Uh-huh. I bet she does. My mother loves him as well."

Jimin nods, knowing damn well his mother in law thinks he's a venal person.

"Yes, well. This was pleasant Jimin-ah, I'll visit again soon." Namjoon holds Jimins hand, as the omega stares at him with big eyes. "Take care, my love." He says, smiling.

"Oh, my. Namjoon- I held you up so long. Very well, get going. Ring me when you can!" Jimin smiles, walking the big alpha out.

Namjoon waves goodbye when he leaves the kitchen, knowing his way out the house. Taehyung stood in the corner silently, waiting for the cue from the door when it was opened and closed.

When he heard the door creak, he silently walked towards the omega. Bora stayed in the kitchen, knowing that when she was near, things are easier for Jimin.

"You must be joking." Taehyung says in an awfully calm tone.

Jimin remained silent, head down.

"You called him over? Do you not have any other friends, why is it always him? That-"

"I didn't call him." Jimin says softly.

"BULLSHIT!" Taehyung shouts, Jimin flinching.

"...Sir, if I may, he did not call him. Actually, that alpha simply popped by, with the pastries he mentioned." Taehyung heard Bora defend Jimin.

"Of course you would say that." Taehyung says dryly, Jimin staring at him with a scared expression. "Get out of my sight, Bora." The alpha says, extending his hand to the womans direction before turning to his spouse once again.

"I don't want that man near my home again." The alpha demands as the omega shook his head. "He's my friend, Taehyung!"

"Oh, yeah? We were friends too, right? That's what everyone thought! Little did they know we'd fuck in the dorms all night long when we had 8 AM classes." The alpha hissed.

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